I’m reading Kimberly Houghton’s front page press on Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s remarks at the Nashua Steak Out and it’s missing something. It is missing dimension. It’s missing well, some facts.
Houghton seems to be obsessed with the term illegal immigrants, inserting it in reference to some of the things the County Sheriff noted as unconventional, when in fact he was referring to the general population of his jail, not just the illegal population.
Arpaio explained that they switched to pink underwear becasue nobody steals it. With the white underwear, when you let them out, you’d find them wearing three or four pair at a time–stealing the taxpayers money. No one steals the pink underwear. But Houghton writes it as if only the illegals are involved, and is he actually taking away their underwear altogether? We have no way to know.
Arpaio said illegal immigrants must be punished by taking away privileges such as white underwear, coffee and R-rated movies. Acknowledging his title as “America’s toughest sheriff,” Arpaio said he is fair.
He is more fair than she is, but you are left with her (or her editors) "interesting" perspective unless you were there and most of the UL’s readers were not.