Houghton Hears A Who

I’m reading Kimberly Houghton’s front page press on Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s remarks at the Nashua Steak Out and it’s missing something.  It is missing dimension. It’s missing well, some facts.

Houghton seems to be obsessed with the term illegal immigrants, inserting it in reference to some of the things the County Sheriff noted as unconventional, when in fact he was referring to the general population of his jail, not just the illegal population.

Arpaio explained that they switched to pink underwear becasue nobody steals it.  With the white underwear, when you let them out, you’d find them wearing three or four pair at a time–stealing the taxpayers money.  No one steals the pink underwear.  But Houghton writes it as if only the illegals are involved, and is he actually taking away their underwear altogether?  We have no way to know.

Arpaio said illegal immigrants must be punished by taking away privileges such as white underwear, coffee and R-rated movies. Acknowledging his title as “America’s toughest sheriff,” Arpaio said he is fair.

He is more fair than she is, but you are left with her (or her editors) "interesting" perspective unless you were there and most of the UL’s readers were not.


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Union Herpes

Unions talk about evil corporations, but consider this.  Corporations entice you to purchase their products but you are free to say no.  You are not obligated to give them your money, you can choose to spend it somewhere else or not at all.  By denying them a portion of your income you deny them the … Read more

Bass Linked To Soros?

Charlie Bass is a Main Street Republican, even serving in a leadership position for some years.

The Main Street Republicans are RINO’s, moderates, they are not conservatives, nor are they libertarians.  They are big government right of center democrats.  And according to Michelle Malkin one of the group’s soft money fronts has (in the past) accepted donations from the likes of George Soros.

The donations go back to 2002 and 2005 and the money "launderers" are claiming no affiliation, but Malkin has dug up enough details of her own and from other sources to make a case that Soros sees enough value in the policy positions of Main Street Republicans–people like Charlie Bass–to feel comfortable giving them large sums of money.

You can follow the links, do all the reading, and come to your own conclusions–I’m not here to seel you on it–but anyone who has seen the C-Bass voting record knows he is closer to Soros than anyone else running for the Republican nomination in CD-2.

You would think that should matter in a state with the motto Live Free or Die.  You’d think.


(H/T Michelle Malkin) Links on the jump

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Political Ads Keep Getting Stranger

This Political Ad is destined to be a classic.  It’s from a Republican running in San Francisco.  You read that right.  I can’t imagine how Republican he could be but even if he’s like Charlie Bass that’s a huge improvement. So take a look. And guess who Nancy Pelosi is.   Just for perspective, Pelosi … Read more

Dems Robo-Call against Bill O’Brien

It looks like the NHDP is trying to harpoon Republican candidate for Speaker Bill O’Brien.  Must think he’s a threat to the tax and spend lifestyle of the left. Here is a message from Bill about this political attack to his constituents.   Dear Neighbor, This afternoon Ray Buckley, the chairman of the NH Democrat … Read more

Live blogging The Nashua Steak Out

We are here, and set up.  The event starts soon.  Granite Grok just interviewed Sheriff Joe Arpaio–so watch for that interview later today.  

The Liberal Darkness

 On faith, or a lack of, in the enduring order of life.   "Habit and Custom may be the wisdom of unlettered men, but they come from the sound ancient heart of humanity.  Even the wisest of mankind cannot live by reason alone; pure arrogant reason, denying the claims of prejudice (which commonly are also … Read more


I am still looking for the link to the original, but I needed something light-hearted today, and this has to be it. Picked up via Pajama’s Media–over at Althouse, there’s was some speculation over why the President was not wearing his wedding ring at his press conference.  You can read it here, but I’ll share … Read more

The Forgotten Man

14 Weeks (minus a few)

Ok.  This is a bit late, but I just saw it today.  It’s still worth watching.   14 Weeks from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.

Ray Buckley Doth Protest Too Much

Gay Activist "Fish" Stories?NHDP Chairperson Ray Buckley likes to pretend things about who we should and should not vote for.  This time around it’s the governors race, and the object of his affection is John Stephen.


If Republican Primary voters watched WMUR last night they would vote for Jack Kimball for governor because Johnny Stephen did a terrible, terrible job. Let’s hope they vote for Stephen, his vacuous platform and profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues past silly bumper sticker slogans will flop big time in November.

-From Ray’s Facebook page


Silly bumper sticker slogans?  Oh, like, "Yes we can?"  Or maybe  "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for?"  How about "Hope and Change?" Ray knows all about the "profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues."  It’s called the daily White House Press conference. Or maybe the average NHDP press release?

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Fergus Picks A Loser

Fergus Cullen has guaranteed Frank Guinta’s victory next Tuesday by choosing Sean Mahoney as his pick for the CD-1 primary.  Cullen, in the morning UL used most of his column on "predictions" for the upcoming races to seed more doubt about the one guy he does not seem to want to win, then briskly assessed … Read more

Guinta Endorsed By Catholic Vote.Org

Brian Burch, who was (or is) the president of Fidelis Center for Law and Justice, a Pro family pro marriage, pro life group, and the head of Catholic Vote.org, had this to say in the Catholic Vote.org endorsement of Mayor Guinta for NH CD-1 “There are two great reasons why we must help Frank Guinta. … Read more

September 15th.

Do we have the sense to realize that with at least three to five well organized groups already keyed in to the base and in contact with the independent voters for every race, that by shifting these supporters into a massive push on September 15th to back each of the primary winners (along with a focused and parallel GOP effort in every local race), all the way to November, that we will not only take back the state, but take it back with huge margins?

Where You Gonna Run?

Tidy Bowl Man get's his Union Bail outSeparation of powers was meant to divide the authority so that a process of checks and balances was created to protect the people from abuses of power.  This simple reality makes two things the democrats want you to believe impossible.


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John Bolton For President?

Ambassador John Bolton admits on Fox Business that he’s thinking about running for President.  No,Really. Fox News– (H/T Hot Air)

Who is surprised by this news?

Turn Your Head And Cough

Looks like the FDA is looking to change how we get our cough syrup.  They are holding a hearing on September 14th to review their fabulous new idea–to require a doctors prescription to get the same cough remedy you currently get over the counter. You would need to go to and pay for a doctor … Read more

What’s With The intimidation Tactics?

"urmnt urmnt,  urmnmurmt murmnemen".Bill Wynne, a volunteer(?) for the Giuda campaign, made an interesting statement on the NHRVC Facebook page the other day. He’s talking about his favorite candidate knowing full well the NHRVC long ago endorsed Jennifer Horn.

"Hey Kevin, did you see Bob’s 4 30 sec spots I did for the campaign? I posted it to the Grok and they removed it because they do not believe in "freed of speech and expression". I have several vids ready to release about that group, but waiting for the general. They are not registered with the SOS and making endorsements. Not a good position to take. It’s too bad they are so biased. I saw that woman’s video Jennifer something on the 2nd amendment. I wouldn’t have published something of such poor quality not only in sound but video and fuzzy graphics. A real turn off for the viewer and tells what the inside of the campaign may look like putting something like that"

Emphasis mine

This is interesting for reasons you can’t even begin to imagine but first a bit of clarity.  The Grok started a Facebook page not long ago and Bill was one of our first “friends.”  He immediately challenged our judgment in choosing to endorse Horn (which is fine) but then proceeded to pee Giuda propaganda all over our Facebook page like a Bull Dog marking territory.  He essentially took it over for Bob.

Now I like Bob, and Bill, but let’s have some perspective here.  You don’t pirate someone’s fan page for your own purposes like a gay activist takes over Target.  It’s just not good form.  And Bill was still commenting on the page until yesterday after we confronted him about this comment.  He seems to have since taken his toys and gone home.

But we still need to explore this for reasons that I hope will become apparent.

To begin–in no particular order– Bill’s claim that we are biased is accurate only in that we are as much so as he is, accepting the caveat that we didn’t digitally flash mob someone else’s Facebook page to express our opinion—we use or create one of our own.

While that’s not much of an indictment, what follows might be.

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Tony Duh-Fruscia

Anthony DiFruscia is a democrat from Massachusetts who snuck north and infiltrated the GOP.  (Not an uncommon problem for the Granite State). No one had the stones to call him out on it, and year after year he has managed to keep his seat in a Republican leaning district from which he has meddled in other republican races to keep real conservatives from getting elected.

He recently flirted with the idea of leaving the GOP and going with an (I) instead of an (R), but for some reason he’s still a republican and permitted to call himself one.

In response to this a vocal group of actual republicans have risen up to exercise their first amendment rights–making "incendiary" claims about how Mr. DiFruscia’s voting history and the actual GOP platform cannot be brought into alignment without first drinking yourself blind.  And they have this crazy idea that the platform actually means something, and that failing to even get close–maybe 80% of the time–is grounds for a much needed "correction."

Their evil plot?  Use the primary process for its intended purpose and inform the electorate about the records and choices of the people running to represent them.

In response to this free speech assault the bastion of conservative and constitutional (cough-cough) values that Duh-Fruscia presents to the electorate, has penned a letter which you can read after the jump..


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