A View From The Progressive Wilderness?

Seems to me Ray should be accusing the voters of overreach, and that’s probably what he’s doing. But a 75% Majority of State government sends a message about someones agenda, even when that message is delivered to democrats. It’s, what’s the word, a referendum.

Inconveninet Truths About The October Jobs Numbers

Is there really any improvement?Jobs numbers are tricky things.  Politicians will always tell you what you want to hear and leave out what they don’t want you to hear.  So it is no surprise that we are getting the same old song and dance, that "the economy created private sector jobs again."  That’s a nice thing to hear, but is it an improvement or are we still arranging deck chairs on the Titanic?

Deck chair anyone?

Unemployment is still at 9.6 percent and despite claims of job growth for ten months, unemployment has been at or above 9.6% for 20 months.

The numbers do not add up.

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This Weeks GrokTalk! Still basking in contentment on 11-6-2010

GrokTALK! Saturday morning at 9 – 11 am! GrokTalk! – It just keeps Getting Better! A mixture of politics, culture, current events, and well, politics, it is an Internet Radio show streaming live audio and video directly from GraniteGrok.  Using a solidly Conservative and Rational Libertarian lens, we’ll take on almost any topic and have … Read more

From The Strange But True File…

Courtesy of Moe Lane at Red State, apparently a group called the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) had a pledge they wanted candidates to sign on to.  This petition was to show support for Net Neutrality rules.  For those not versed, Net Neutrality is another left wing Utopian nightmare spun as fairness, and promoted by the big players like Google, who stand to benefit from it.  Think of it simply as the path to a corporate socialist internet.  Google has donors to the PCCC PAC, and is even listed as a major expenditure by the PAC.  Google would win big if this crap ever saw the light of day.

The PCCC itself is co-founded by it’s treasurer Adam Green a professional left winger, and is powered by MoveOn.Org and big labor.  It’s goal is to elect progressives to replace anyone to their right including moderate democrats, though it looks like they started with open seat contests at first with an eye on "progressing" toward unseating Blue Dogs later on.

A left wing observer explained the PCCC like this…

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Good Morning Pyrrhus

If elections have consequences what of this?  In New Hampshire, Governor John Lynch squeaked out an unprecedented fourth term as governor.  The state party went all out to protect him.  But in the process they not only lost their majority in the State House and State Senate, the Republicans appear to have taken veto proof majorities in both of those houses and swept the five member State Executive council, which reviews state contracts and appointments.

Governor Lynch won his battle but lost the war.  The democrats were so focused on keeping their pro-gay marriage tax and spend governor, that they reduced him to a figure head in the process.

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Looking For Closure?

I thought you might want to know.  Cynthia Dokmo, the RINO Write-in candidate from Amherst who chose to ignore the will of her primary voters came in dead last.  Out of 15 candidates (7 GOP, 7 DEMO, plus Dokmo) Cynthia collected 2012 votes. That’s less than half (43%) of the number needed to make the cut.

But her endorsement seems to have carried some weight.  Dokmo endorsed Democrat Shannon Chandley for the NH House, and Shannon made first loser, failing to make the grade by a paltry 741 votes.  All the other DEM’s fell in between, as the Republicans not only swept the district they denied Dokmo twice.

There is however room for some speculation, and a correction perhaps to my previous estimation that Dokmo could skim off enough votes from a real Republican to allow a Democrat (Chandley as it turns out) to sneak in.

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Feds Play The Lynch Shell Game With Themselves

Taking a page from the John Lynch Playbook, the Federal Reserve is planning to buy 500 billion in treasury bonds. This is the Federal Government taking money from it’s right pocket, putting it in its’ left pocket, then putting it back in the right pocket, and claiming to have 500 billion more to spend.

The Bonfire Of The Misogynists

Bill Clinton Was In NHI’m still awaiting the blistering criticism due Governor Lynch from Democrat spokesperson Harrell Kirstein, for accepting praise from the misogynist in Chief, the impeached serial sex offender and perjurer, former president William Jefferson Clinton, who came to New Hampshire to campaign for floundering democrats and the little governor that could. President Bubba, the benefactor of a countless number of Bimbo eruptions, demonstrates to us the true value that democrats place on marriage–none, and to women in general, not in the fabricated terms Kirstein would attribute to others, but in their actual context.

Clinton continues to be coveted very likely because of his indiscretions, but more prominently for being the most visible evidence that the democrat party is a cabal of liars because he was impeached for lying–and lying about his casual abuse of women to boot.

So I guess Governor Lynch endorses this kind of behavior then.  He certainly emulates it. (The lying)  Which means he must also be defending his parties other abuses of women, seeing as we’ve heard nothing denouncing it, from his office, his state party, or anyone in it for that matter.

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Election Day Open Thread

Today’s the big day.  I voted around 8:30 AM.  Polling traffic was not steady–no lines to get the ballot but most of the voting booths were occupied. Tell us what’s happening at your polling place, give a shout out, guess the final spread on your candidates victory…whatever. It’s the November 2nd, 2010 Election day open … Read more

Stephen Surging

Late polling shows John Stephen closing the gap to the point that the race is now a toss up.  That means every vote counts.  Get out there and vote for John Stephen.  He is the only candidate who can win and advance our shared goals for liberty and a return to smaller government.

Liberal Trunk Monkeys

There are plenty of places in this country where democrats manage to find lost ballot boxes filled with statistically improbable numbers of votes for democrats during troubling recounts that continue to produce Republican winners.  Washington State, Illinois, and most recently in Minnesota.  If totals are tight we should expect more of this in Nevada, Illinois and at least a half dozen other locales as the left wing ruling class commit rampant voter fraud to salvage something from November 2nd 2010 besides pink butts and rosy cheeks.

Given that Soros is buying of Secretaries of State, and the left has been building up its stable of willing judges, these found votes will continue to be accepted.  But there is an opportunity to be had.  Sue the crap out of everyone. from the democrat opponent to the people who "find" the ballots, to the manufacturer of the car the ballots were found in.  File suit against the opposing lawyers, the clerks, and the Secretaries of state.  Then find a microphone and keep talking about it to anyone who will listen.

That’s what the liberals do.  Make it so damn expensive for them that even if they do manage to steal the election it becomes a Pyrrhic victory. 

Or maybe they need to be taken away like the naughty little Trunk Monkeys that they are.

What do I mean?



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Live Blogging – Guinta Victroy Party

Granite Grok is live at the Guinta Victory Party at the Radisson in Manchester.  We will be live streaming election results, and keeping you up to date on events here as they happen.   Follow us on Facebook  or Twitter as we spend Election night on line and live from Manchester, NH

Ray Buckley’s Norman Rockwell

This morning’s Union leader has the Lasky snatch and grab photo on the front page. Elliot Lasky, (Husband of State Senator Bette Lasky) stands mid stride, stolen campaign property in hand.

Taquiyya : Political Strategy of Democrats and Islamists

Thesis Question:  What unites the Democrat political Left with the violent Jihadi Muslims?
Thesis Conclusion: It’s clearly not religious compatibility or shared opinion about homosexuals or women’s rights. Still they support one another here in the U.S. and even moreso in Western Europe. It’s more a sharing of Taqiyya and their shared desire to bring down Western democracy, Capitalism and Judeo-Christian culture and faith.
Answer is:  They both have a hatred of authentic democracy, of Judaism and Christianity and of individual liberty over one’s life because both are hyper-authoritarian. But, most interestingly, what binds them together apart from the reasons above is their love of the use of the same political tactic, which in Islam is called Taqiyya. Leftists would regulate all human activity through a Leviathan state which takes and gives rights based on the whims of a centralized politburo elite, whereas Islam does the same through a politburo of Mullahs and Ayatollahs who interpret Islam in lieu of Das Kapital.
As we’ve seen in this election cycle and in many other recent U.S. elections, the Democrats dissemble and use public deceit to hide their past votes, and true future intentions which they put forth only after they’ve won election and don’t fear another day of accountability for some time. They never run as proud Liberals, Progressives and Socialists. They saw what happened when Michael Dukakis tried that holding up his ACLU member card. They are anti-free-market, collectivist, kleptocrats and secular-atheist tyrants, only different from Castro, Kim Jong Il, Stalin and Mao in degree and tactics which are much more in line with the Muslim Jihadists and Chinese Communists who believe they will conquer in the long-run, but are willing to take an incrementalist approach.
Like the Chi-Coms

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Shea-Porter’s Anti-Millitary Stand

Help myself...help myself...Blue Hampshire has a nice post about how Carol Seiu-Porter, the daughter of a WWII vet,  married to a former serviceman, stands up for veterans and the military. (I have synopsized.)

Well if that is true, then the minute she gets back to DC for her lame duck session I expect her to initiate an investigation into why states run by democrats have such a hard time getting absentee ballots out to military personnel in the field, and getting them back and counted in time to matter. This is a problem that has gone on for years without any notice or action by the democrats or their so-called military supporters.

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OFA – Sanctions Vote Stealing….Because NH Law Allows It.

Note to all Republican’s elected to the the next New Hampshire Legislature.  You need to tighten up voter registration laws. You must get rid of same day registration.  You need to limit voting privileges to actual residents.  There must be a requirement to demonstrate proof of ID and residency to vote.  And you must enforce … Read more

Ray Buckley And His Extremist Friends…

Vote For Jim Forsythe!Paid for by The New Hampshire Democratic State Committee and Ray Buckley, Chair, is an ad in the New Hampshire Sunday News.  Don’t feel bad if you missed it.  It’s an 1/8th of a page affair that  tries to scare people.  They, the democrats, have to resort to this because of the frightening reality that is their actual agenda, which people are preparing to reject in the mid terms.

The ad is directed at Jim Forsythe, candidate for State Senate.  It claims that Jim will Slash the minimum wage, take away women’s rights, eliminate social security, eliminate medicare and shut down public education, as if the democrats have not already corrupted these ideas or doomed these failed institutions already, and that a State Senator from New Hampshire, any state Senator, could actually do any of these things anyway.

Each of the five attacks come with a foot note directing you to one of two internet resources, the Republican Liberty Caucus Statement of Principles, or an interview in Fosters Daily Democrat.

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Notable Quote – Russell Kirk

If men are discharged of reverence for ancient usage, they will treat this world, almost certainly, as if it were their private property, to be consumed for their sensual gratification; thus they will destroy in their lust for enjoyment the property of future generations, of their own contemporaries, and indeed their very own capital.

Notable Quote – Edmund Burke

One of the first and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and its laws are consecrated, is lest the temporary possessors and life renters in it, unmindful of what they have received from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as if they were the entire masters; that they … Read more

NHDP Policy – “Can’t Win On Issues? Cheat!”

Maggie Hassan must be in danger, why else spend all that money on fake signs with the Republican opponents name on it linking them to higher taxes.  That’s what’s happening in State Senate District 23.  The Democrats, practically overnight, have peppered the district with "counterfeit signs" that look like the candidates signs, but with some … Read more

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