Mustache Love

Lyndon LaRouche democrats have been showing up at tea party events with the Obama Hilter-mustache signs and posters, and now we have Obama For America democrats–now Organizing For America–waving pictures of Republican candidates, or pundits like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, with Hitler mustaches painted on them.

Do they have special markers for that at the DNC headquarters?

What is up with democrats and their obsession with Hitler? Methinks they doth protest to much.

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New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance … Read more

Tax Cuts To Stimulate The Economy

I guess the democrats “progressed” away from what works for the nation, to what works for the ruling class. H/T Big

How To Save The World–Vote Out Democrats

The economic relationship between government, the private sector, and the people, has been the object of much debate as democrats try to convince people that spending trillions we don’t have has some kind of payoff at the other end. The fact that we can’t see that "end" and none of their predictions have come true fuels the fires of the opposition while encouraging proponents to claim we just need to wait a bit longer–or spend a few trillion more.

So here’s the rub.

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Don’t Let Them Do This To You

Dr. Dean’s Rules For Democrats.   ; (H/T KimberlyAnn Schwab-Feighery – Facebook; Naked Emperor News and The Blaze)

Carol’s New Groove..(same as the old groove)

Comrade Carol Seiu-Porter has a new video out spotlighting how good she is. It’s quite a piece of work, let me tell you.  My favorite part is at the end when the voice over says, "and whether it’s popular or not, she always fights for what she believes in."

Talk about irony?

Health Care?  Cap and Trade?  The stimulus?  Cash for Clunkers?  Home Affordable? The trillion dollar budgets?  Lip service to pay-go?  Carol?  What have you fought for that the people of New Hampshire would consider popular?  I can’t think of a single thing.  And no, we can’t just count the lumps of un-aborted tissue running the New Hampshire Democrat party, and their fellow travelers, I mean the entirety of your district.

So while I agree that that is the one true statement in your ad, its a bit misleading.  It should probably say..Carol knows that everything she believes in is unpopular, but she votes for it anyway.

And yeah, we could spend eternity covering the ins and outs, like how Carol can’t really even be voting based on what she believes in becasue you have to read the bills to know if what you believe is really in the bill.  That dissolves the context further to the point where Carol is voting for what she has been told is in the bill (that she believes in.)  And since Carol  only voted with Nancy Pelosi and the Party leadership 98% of the time because she missed 2% of the votes, we can further define the relationship as follows:  Carol votes for what Nancy Pelosi tells her she believes in.

That’s not a congressman from New Hampshire, that’s Nancy Pelosi’s Federal representative to New Hampshire.  She might as well be appointed as elected.

The Ad is on the Jump

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Meet RINOJOEL Maiola [updated]

Whatever credibility Joel Maiola may have had with actual Republicans should be dead now.  In this mornings Union Leader we are treated to RINOJOEL’s TM treatise on the Greatness that would be John Lynch (were greatness even a possibility).

When the recession hit, Lynch acted quickly and aggressively to cut state spending. He kept New Hampshire’s budget balanced and delivered a surplus. At the same, he kept state taxes the lowest in the nation and kept his promise to oppose an income or a sales tax.

Actually, Lynch grew the state budget during the entirely of the recession.  He spent more year on year in two successive budgets, increasing the cost to taxpayers about 23% while the cost of living barely moved, and while private sector employment dropped, and wages stagnated or declined–he added state employees.  Only in late 2009 when he began to smell the stink of a challenging re-election looming, did he even consider cutting back the public sector unions that donate so heavily to his party apparatus. 

RINOJOELTM would also like you to believe that bonding and debt, and relying on one time money from the federal government is ‘balancing’ the budget.  It’s actually a gross miscarriage of fiscal leadership to pass the costs of your government on to future leaders and the children of the electorate, but that is the hallmark of Lynch and his democrat majority legislature.  Remember what Rep Eaton said..and I paraphrase…  "You cant look for revenue until you know how much you are spending."

And Lynch let them spend.

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The Church Of Cheeseburgers And Fries

Does this come with Holy Wafers?There’s some dispute regarding appearance standards in which a young woman has insisted that her pierced nose is part of her religious beliefs.  Long story short–she does not want to remove the piercing on religious grounds because she is a member of the "Church of Body Modification." 

The Church of Body Modification espouses an open minded approach to what it calls ancient body modification rites that are essential to spirituality.  Funny, that’s what most ancient body modification cultures said to justify ritual human sacrifice.  You know, removing the heart, chopping off heads, that sort of thing.  Had to do it to appease the gods.  Millions ‘modified.’ 

And aren’t clitorectomies and ancient religious form of body modification?  I wonder if they are tolerant of those as well?  Stoning women is another winner–not so much spiritual, but a religiously motivated modification none the less.

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Club For Growth–Chris Chocola

Constitution Day




On this day in 1787 the single greatest document in defense of liberty found life.  Take a moment to bask in its power and simplicity.


[Constitution for the United States of America]


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


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Going After Boxer

Here is a recent Carly Fiorina Ad putting boxer in the proper ruling class context–that she has used government to make herself into a millionaire while her own constituents are made to suffer from her failure to lead. And that is really what it comes down to. Since early 2009 the left has tried to … Read more

The Government Can!

(H/T Biggeekdaddy) (H/T to one of my facebook friends for the link–I lost you in the feed.)

Great line! Reference Christine O’Donnell vs. Chris Coons for Senate in Delaware

Christine O’Donnell has won the GOP primary to run for U.S. Senate in Delaware. The Democrats are giddy with delight, thinking her to be the weaker Republican candidate….

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It’s Time For These “Republicans” To Come Out Of The Closet

Republicans for LynchEvery election year the RINO’s do us a favor by announcing themselves as the Republican’s for Lynch.  They have done so again, and we are presented with another unique opportunity to demonstrate the need to clarify an important distinction.

Lynch favors abortion, is against parental notification, supports gay marriage, likes to spend taxpayer money, enjoys the opportunity to expand the bureaucracy and centralize power, is not against using government power to deny private property, wants to tax business, will cram costs down on towns and counties, deny them revenue, has been known to hob-nob with millionaire special interests who then dump over $100,000.00 dollars into his campaign, would hamstring free speech, supports Obamacare, supports cap and trade and plays like a kitten with all the strings attached to the federal money he begs for to keep the spreadsheet from falling off a cliff, is clearly against state sovereignty, and still managed to accumulate hundreds of millions in debt and then lie about it to stay in office.  And that’s the short lit.

I checked the GOP Platform.  You can’t support Lynch and be a republican.  So you are either a Republican, or you are for Lynch, you can’t be both.

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The End Of Combat Operations My ….

The AP Headline reads…"US forces in deadly fight in Iraq." I only mention it because we should expect to see this kind of thing when we leave 50,000.00 armed "advisers" in a militant and unstable country. The point is not that they are there, or that there is a reason for them to be there, … Read more

I Beg To Differ


An editorial in this morning’s UL attempts to suggest the voting results demonstrate a unique character to New Hampshire’s electorate but it makes some assumptions that to me seem a bit naive

That’s not to say the premise is wholly wrong, just that anyone who was really paying attention to the finer details during the primary would not have been fooled.

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Obama Appoints Shaheen to UN [Updated 2.0]

September 16, 2010 2:00 AM (2AM?) WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced his intent to nominate Sen. Jeanne Shaheen to serve as representative of the United States to the 65th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. "I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as representative of the United … Read more

Ashooh, Mahoney To Aid Guinta Campaign

I’m not sure what that level of commitment entails, but symbolically it invites the supporters of both candidates to assist in the shared goal of removing a guaranteed vote for anything Pelosi proposes in all it’s destructive glory whether she is a majority or minority leader.

Primary Night (scratch that) “Morning After” Update

The initial indications showing Frank Guinta with the lead have continued as the evening has developed but the race tightened with Rich Ashooh closing to withing a small percentage.  In the end Guinta prevailed with Sean Mahoney–who conceded early coming in third place. The Ovide/Kelly race is so close it still has not been called. … Read more

The NRSC Needs To Be Spanked Around Some More

The National RINO Senatorial Committee (NRSC) seems poised to deny the peoples choice in Delaware any of their precious treasure. Too bad some of that treasure comes from regular republicans like the people who selected Christine O’Donnell as their candidate for November.

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