I have been trying to get caught up on the local outrage and how could that journey not include what happened with Kearsage, Bow, and the underworld adventures of the Jaques – not Cousteau but Marc, and what’s his/her face (Male Jocks?).
To summarize we, as I understand it, the cast includes public school superintendents, coaches, at least one referee, a lawsuit, a sex predator, a boy on a girls’ sports team, lots of pink wristbands, and too many uninformed parents. This last piece is a common theme, and a story repeated more times than we will ever know.
It is an undisputed truth that Public Schools provide the best pay and benefits to child sex predators than any other profession and the best possible access to most target rich environment (see also, prey). Way better than the clergy, and as a bonus you don’t really have to believe in anything. And while the church takes a lot of crap for hiding their creepy pedos, public schools don’t get near enough credit considering how many more instances of it there are in school as opposed to churches. But sometimes parents find out and they rightly get about as pissed off as one can get if that’s something you are inclined to do.
It sounds like there could be more fallout at this “Mount St Helens than the original, or that Howie Leung case I tripped over while searching for links . As is often if not nearly always the case, administrators and the teachers’ unions were playing hide and don’t seek. This is, btw, standard procedure. Circle the wagons, deflect, deny, obfuscate, accuse parents of intolerance, bigotry, domestic terrorism, anything to intimidate or warn off anyone getting too interested in the corruption and depravity inculcated into what passes for public education.
Locally, the predator of the moment was not a teacher (he did work for Dartmouth College until they found out and put a boot to his creepy ass). From what I can gather Marc Jaques plead guilty to child sex predation in the face of indisputable evidence but was left on a very long leash pending his reservation at the black bar hotel (free complimentary jump suits and shoes without laces). Parents discovered he was tripping the internet fantastic with Pedobear, and police could not find a way to ignore their concerns. A soap opera that evolved in the wake of a movement to support girls’ sports.
How am I doing so far?
The boy in question (as regards the girls’ sports without boys in them movement) is the son of the sex predator, and while I may not be the first to suggest it, I’m wondering if anyone has really contemplated the potential depth of the predatory depravity of Marc Jaques. He is sexually attracted to teenage girls, perhaps since puberty, but never outgrew it. He has a son whom he, very likely, groomed to be both sporty and then a trans girl to gain easy access to his preferred prey. Athletic, young, ladies under the age of eighteen. When he was arrested the first time, images were found of girls whose heads have been placed on naked bodies. Other images, hundreds, accompanied them. Marc was no piker. He has a think, and he worked it (try not to over think that or you’ll have to floss your mind to get the plaque out).
Maelle, the boys trans name, may not have had any feminine inclinations, we’ll never know. We also cannot say whether or not Maelle was encouraged to use his access to teenage girls to provide his father with additional images, but you have to ask who else, how many, how often and are there groomed boys taking pictures in locker rooms to please a predator-parent? Bathrooms? Showers?
Or, and this is a bit more sinister, boys who are not transitioning at all just using the culture the progressives created as a free pass to an otherwise restricted space – for themselves or others. This is the part where I ask why it’s okay to trample the student rights of these girls to appease a sliver of a fraction of a minority of cross-dressing males who might not be what they claim.
Marc Jaques can’t be the only one just like Kearsage wasn’t the only school, nor were the schools Kearsage played much different. No one seems concerned enough about parents’ rights when it comes to the physical risks presented by male players or to notify them of the potential presence of predators or the risk to them – in the case of marc Jaques) to their daughters. It wasn’t even an afterthought for the experts and when it became too public to ignore, they continued to deny, obfuscate, and intimidate.
The only people who could possibly have gotten it wrong were the girls and their parents, so here’s my advice. Don’t stop being a pain in the ass. Politely badger these taxpayer funded goons and hound their enabling school board members out of office at the next available election. Be kind and determined and persistent. Get people elected and then support them. The left may have lost a lot of elections on this issue, but they won’t just give it up. You have to convince them by ensuring a prolonged trip in the political wilderness.
Note: This originally published before it was cleaned up. Sorry about that.