Fat Jerry Nadler Says Men Don’t Compete In Women’s Sports …

Fat Jerry Nadler is nothing if not committed to the narrative. Someone says men should not compete in women’s sports, and he insists that transwomen are not men, so that never happens. Funny thing about that, though.

If a woman and a transwoman pissed off the Clintons, “committed suicide,” or “buried themselves” in a swamp somewhere in Arkansas for a few decades, when some bluetick hound ran up the sent, and they pulled out the bodies, the corner would say it’s a man and a woman. No word of a lie. And that’s how they’d be identified, no matter who it triggered, ’cause all the pretense was rotted away by nature until all that was left was science.

In this case, biology matters. SheWon.org has cataloged 894 instances of biological males placing or better in a girl’s or woman’s competition. There are undoubtedly more. Talk about #MeToo? No medal or ribbon for you; we had to make room for what is characteristically a C-team male who identifies as female. Accolades, scholarships, a reward for years of hard work. Sorry. Step aside. It has gotten the attention of Congress on numerous occasions, recently summoning the umbrage of Fat Jerry Nadler.

“Men do not compete in women’s sports,” far-left New York Democratic congressman Jerry Nadler claimed during a congressional hearing several weeks ago. “Transgender women [sic] may compete in women’s sports,”

He’s not having any of this biology business, so I hope he has a plan for work pathologists who can “identify” the gender of the deceased at the time they died, given how subject to change that can be these days.

Nadler, who objected (ironically) to prevent non-truths from entering the Congressional record, was responding to “Republican congresswoman Harriet Hageman of Wyoming [who] wanted to enter into the record stats on females injured by male athletes as well as stolen titles. SheWon.org has cataloged the stolen titles, proving that men, in fact, do compete in women’s sports.”

At least he’s consistent. His position here, like many of his previous contributions to the Congressional Record, is a half-truth feeding a lie.

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