Mexican cartels are the main producers (from precursors from China) and traffickers of fentanyl. That’s simply a fact. Even the Biden-Regime acknowledges that’s a fact. The Mexican cartels often hire Americans to smuggle fentanyl from Mexico to America.
Yet here is Manchester Democrat (Woke-Communist) State Rep Damond Ford LYING by omission … leaving out the role of China and the Mexican cartels and solely BLAMING AMERICANS for fentanyl. In the warped, twisted, hateful mind of Woke-Communist Ford, ILLEGAL ALIENS are morally superior to American citizens and American citizens who are addicted to fentanyl, who have died from fentanyl, who know someone addicted to fentanyl or who has died from fentanyl … are simply getting what they deserve.
Ford is an unbelievably horrible human being. He represents hate. That’s what he represents – HATE.