Night Cap: Dementia Is On The Ballot

From billionaire hedge-fund honcho Bill Ackman. While I may not have known the exact diagnosis, it was obvious to me … and to anyone who gathers data about reality from sources other than the advocacy media and evil tech… that BidenX is and for some time has been seriously impaired.

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Joe Biden’s “Morality”

The day after the debate (yesterday—6/28), BidenX asked, obviously rhetorically, what he did during the debate. The tweet was obviously written for him because, as the debate made obvious, he lacks the capacity to do much more than read from a teleprompter.

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Slavic Lives Don’t Matter To Alissandra Murray

Alissandra Murray … who appears more interested in representing Hamas than the people in Manchester she is supposed to represent … has turned down an invitation to the White House because “a genocide is still actively supported by it,” referring to Gaza.

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Debate Takeaways …

In no particular order, here are my debate takeaways. But first, I must say that the Regime really messed up BidenX’s drug cocktail. Perhaps the hoarse voice was the result of being over-amphetamined prior to the debate, causing BidenX to manic-babble incessantly to the point that he lost his voice?Maybe BidenX threw screaming fits throughout debate sequestration week because he was kept on bed rest with an IV and not allowed to binge-watch SpongeBob.

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Trump mug shot

You Are Going To Be Bitterly Disappointed By The “Debate”

Bitter-clingers … you’ll never learn, never figure it out, will you? Next week’s CNN “debate” is RIGGED. The coverage has already been written … Joe Biden put to rest the claims he is too old for a second term. It was Trump, not Biden, who looked confused and fatigued. Biden answered the critics. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

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David Sacks’ Irrefutable Case For Supporting Trump

Do you know who Davi Sacks is, bitter-clingers? He is a tech entrepreneur who was a contemporary of Elon Musk’s at PayPal. The Biden-Regime’s policies have been so ruinous … intentionally so … that sometimes it seems impossible to summarize the breadth and depth of the damage. That is why you have me, bitter-clingers.

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