Capitalism Versus Free Speech

In the make-believe, fairy-tale world that people like Joe Sweeney, Ross Berry, Mikey Graham, Drew Cline, the Koch-bots, and the libertarians (an incomplete list) espouse, Big Business ALWAYS acts in their financial self-interest, which ultimately benefits everyone. EXCEPT Big Business does NOT act in such a manner.

Rather, Big Business has been taken over by WOKE, which is why DEI is everywhere (explain to me fwee-marketeers how hiring and elevating unqualified employees is in a business’ financial self-interest), ESG rules, etc., etc., etc..

Yet another example that much of what Sweeney, Berry, etc. are spewing is nonsense is Big Business colluding to censor anyone with a bull-pulpit who is not part of the woke hive-mind.

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