The Chris Sununu Legacy …

Yes, bitter-clingers, I know that your illustrious Sun-King Chris Sununu has approximately one-quarter of his (thankfully) final term remaining … but we have seen enough to opine on the Sun-King’s legacy. Simply stated, the Sun-King leaves office a pariah in the national Republican Party and an irrelevancy in national politics. And as for New Hampshire, he leaves the State worse than he found it.

There is a simple reason the Sun-King was NOT present at the recently concluded (I’m writing this on 7/21) Republican Convention … his self-promoting “support” of Nikki Haley was over-the-top, scorched-earth animus against Trump. And he failed dismally. Trump easily and decisively won New Hampshire. Conclusion … the Emperor (i.e. the Sun-King) has no clothes.

The Sun-King had the opportunity to be a team-player in 2022, by running for the U.S. Senate. But that would have been hard work and carried a considerably higher risk than running for reelection. The Sun-King predictably chose the easy and safe path. That’s who and what he is.

The Sun-King did NOTHING during his four-terms to reform public education. New Hampshire, as a result, is now the third BIGGEST-SPENDER on a per-pupil basis in the country. That’s fiscal conservatism!?!? Worse, the big-spending is NOT to attract the best and brightest teachers. Instead, it finances a bloated, redundant, archaic bureaucracy of local education-fiefdoms that spends … we have no idea how much … on DEI and CRT.

The Sun-King was one of the worst COVID-tyrants. The Sun-King’s appointments to the judiciary and state agencies range from the uninspired (for example, the Supreme Court) to clear-cronyism (DJ Bettencourt being an example of the latter). And we are fast losing the rural character of New Hampshire because the Sun-King and mini-me-wanna-be-Sun-King dumb-ideologues like Joe Sweeney and Ross Berry see New Hampshire as merely an economic development zone.

The Sun-King Sununu legacy … PARIAH, IRRELEVANCY, FAILURE.

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