New Hampshire Bulletin … Doing Lenin And Trotsky Proud

Check out Ethan DeWitt’s “reporting” (tweet below) … “Sununu signs bans on trans girls in girls’ sports, gender affirming surgeries for minors.” The vast majority of Americans, including in New Hampshire, view the issue as boys participating in … and dominating due to their physical advantages … girls’ sports. Yet DeWitt uses the term “trans girls” as if there is no debate over whether men/boys who identify as women/girls are women/girls. There most certainly is, and as I just noted, the vast majority do NOT believe that men/boys who identify as women/girls are women/girls.

DeWitt also uses the term “gender affirming surgeries,” which is the language of the Woke-Communists, a/k/a Democrats. DeWitt’s use of language is obviously intentional and intended to make the reader believe that it is settled that, for example, irreversible chemical-castration of children is normal and wholesome. To the extent one wants to declare the issue settled, it is that the vast majority do NOT support these irreversible life-altering surgeries on children.

DeWitt’s “reporting” resembles the articles that Lenin and Trotsky and their ilk wrote for the fake-news of their day.

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