As Predicted: School Gets Sued for Banning Parents Wearing Pink Wristbands

The petty tyrants in the Bow-Dunbarton School district are, as predicted, getting sued. But it’s even better than I imagined. The suit names a handful of entitled pricks from the peace officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution who stood ready to arrest them (Lieutenant Phil Lamy) to the Superintendent (Marcy Kelley) and School … Read more

NH Superintendents: PORN for KIDS YES, Wristbands for Adults NO

This is a reminder that Superintendents throughout New Hampshire are not willing to remove pornographic books from the school library. However, in Bow, their Superintendent is willing to stop a parent from wearing a wristband with XX written on it. This is the state of public education in New Hampshire. If you are not familiar … Read more

Super Chooses Intimidation To Stop Parents From Wearing Wristbands to Support Biological Females on Sports Teams

I keep thinking that his missive below is just because of stupidity. Or it is purely ideological in nature, given his vociferous attempts on Policy JBAB to ensure suppression of the Free Speech of students and adults on school property concerning “preferred pronouns.” And that Staff can be forced by the School Board’s policy to … Read more

child Children mental health teddy bear

Father of Kearsage Transgender Soccer Player Convicted of Distributing Child Pornography

The issues of player safety and free speech are at the center of the recent press in New Hampshire surrounding Maelle Jaques, a boy playing as a girl on a Kearsarge School soccer team. We’ve heard about teams refusing to play Kearsarge over safety issues and parents who support girls being banned from games (and … Read more

Hillsboro Deering Girls Take a Stand to Support Girls Only Sports

After a tumultuous week in Bow, during which parents were issued no trespass orders for wearing pink wristbands with XX written on them, we now have girls in Hillsboro Deering refusing to play soccer. Today, several girls from the Hillsboro Deering Varsity Soccer team refused to play their game against Kearsarge. The Kearsarge team includes a … Read more

JR Hoell – School Boards, Free Speech and Lawsuits

NH House Rep. JR Hoell joins me to discuss a recent school board meeting regarding a superintendent who violated parents’ First Amendment rights. The parents peacefully wore pink wristbands with XX on them to support biological girls’ sports and were banned from the game. [Support Girls’ and Women’s Sports -You can buy pink wristband here] … Read more

Breaking: Parents Support Free Speech and Girls’ Sports in Bow, NH

Two dads were banned from sporting events and school property for wearing pink wristbands with two Xs drawn on each. They said they were showing support for girl’s sports. The District decided they were disruptive, removed them, and instituted no-trespassing orders. In response, scores of parents and interested parties showed up to today’s game in … Read more

pride flag

Pride Flags YES, Pink Armbands NO

This week we learned that the KGB running the BOW school district clamped down on a parent’s right to exercise free speech. A few paarents in the Bow school district decided to wear pink wrist bands at their daughters’ soccer game in support of female only sports teams. In this case, the Bow girls soccer … Read more

Jackboots and Injustice in Bow

Bow-Dunbarton School Superintendent Ms. Marcy Kelley, fresh off polishing her jackboots on the reputation of one local dad who supports girls’ sports, has taken down another. Kyle Fellers got “the letter” with the School Administrative unit letterhead telling him, in essence, he’s not the sort of person they want around. He’s been banned from all … Read more

Pink Arm Bands XX New Symbol to Support Women and Girls Sports

Due to the recent controversy in Bow, New Hampshire, where the Superintendent punished parents for wearing pink wristbands to their daughter’s soccer game, the word is getting out to BUY these wristbands and start wearing them to games. Whether playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, or swimming, everyone needs to wear these pink wristbands with the letters XX … Read more

Bow’s SAU67 KGB

In an effort to exercise his free speech, Anthony Foote, who resides in Bow, New Hampshire, decided to wear a pink wristband with XX written on it to his daughter’s soccer game. Der Führer – in charge of the Bow School District – decided that she would have none of that. Instead, “Superintendent of Schools … Read more

Bow Public School, Free Speech Suppression,’The Streisand Effect,’ and Getting Sued

A local High school banned parents from attending games for wearing pink wristbands with two Xs. The school reportedly stopped the game and had them escorted out. [W]hen several parents showed up to watch Tuesday night’s soccer game between Bow and Plymouth Regional High School wearing pink armbands as symbols of support for girls-only sports, … Read more

Grey Revolver - Pexels-Pixaby Free to use (CC0)

Vaccination at the Point of a Gun 

The time has ended, according to our infinitely compassionate overlords, for using the carrot. It has been decided that “for the greater good,” a stick will be needed to make the insubordinate masses finally comply.

Star of David not vaccinated

Biological Master Race Update: More Fourth Reich Demands on the Unvaccinated (Link Dump)

If you don’t read these and shudder, then IMHO, you’ve lost your survival instinct. Unvaccinated players on two NFL teams have been told to wear yellow wristbands to distinguish them from vaccinated players.

T-Rex, Screen Grab Jurrasic Park 2 (2)

Survival Instincts: Individual and Societal

Eons ago, when I was in high school and had to evade velociraptor packs and the occasional T-rex on the way to the train station to get to high school, I was watching a scaaaary movie while alone doing homework at the dining table.

The wretched unfairness of White Privilege…

…is being addressed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, according to a short piece in the City Journal magazine entitled White Wristbands: Wisconsin Declares War on Caucasian Privilege. Interesting. Also interesting is that the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction tries to explain the situation in an “Important Updated Message” on their website. In somewhat murky language, … Read more