Bow’s SAU67 KGB

Ann Marie Banfield

In an effort to exercise his free speech, Anthony Foote, who resides in Bow, New Hampshire, decided to wear a pink wristband with XX written on it to his daughter’s soccer game. Der Führer – in charge of the Bow School District – decided that she would have none of that. Instead, Superintendent of Schools Marcy Kelley, says wearing the pink armbands violates school policy against “threatening, harassing, or intimidating…any person.” Kelley also claims the armbands violate its policy “that no person shall ‘impede, delay, disrupt or otherwise interfere with any school activity.

It was reported that his “daughters’ soccer team was forced to compete against a team with a biological male on the roster, and some Bow High School parents were unhappy about it. They complained to the school’s athletic director, Mike Desilets, but were told there was nothing that could be done in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling that the term “girl” includes males who identify as female.”

Many people disagree with allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports. In this case, a few parents decided to make a statement. That is their right in a free country, or so we thought.
“But when several parents showed up to watch Tuesday night’s soccer game between Bow and Plymouth Regional High School wearing pink armbands as symbols of support for girls-only sports, those same officials sprang into action. They stopped the game, demanded the pink armbands be removed, and issued police-enforced “No Trespassing” orders against at least two parents.

Here is the No Trespassing order:

A Superintendent tasked with providing students with a quality education, that includes students learning about their fundamental rights, appears to be trampling on the rights of their parents. What will a lawsuit cost the taxpayers?

Taxpayers need to start holding their school officials accountable for their actions. They should not be engaged in denying someone their First Amendment rights, and money should not be wasted on lawsuits defending this. Do they think your taxes paid into the school budget should be used as a slush fund?

Here is what Bow expects from their students:

It sure looks like the Bow Superintendent would fail in meeting these competencies they set for their students.

Parents and taxpayers are encouraged to attend their school board meetings and begin demanding that Superintendent Marcy Kelley issue an apology to avoid a costly lawsuit.
If that is rejected, then residents may need to ask for her resignation.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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