ICYMI – Biden Has a New Ministry for Pandemic Response

The Biden Administration launched a new office of the president. Its official title is the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR). Its offical purpose is to “Coordinate the Administration’s domestic response to public health threats that have pandemic potential.”

1984 is now

Biden Admin Founds Ministry of Truth – Targeting the Minority Community

The US Department of Homeland Security has announced a new “Disinformation Governance Board.” Sounds creepy and destined for mission creep but just for the heck of what is their mission?

Facebook smartphone

Facebook’s Climate Denier Censorship Algore-ithm Blocks Green Groups for Misinformation

In the interest of keeping its army of quarantined creepy human censors (COVID19, RIOTS, FIRES), Facebook has them write algorithms. Crawling digital book-banners that seek out content to flag as fake, false, or in need of ritual progressive purification. But they don’t always work as planned.

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If Dems Need Permission to Talk About That … So, Will You

There were many ‘casualties’ after the Wu Han Flu over the cuckoo’s nest (do you think the socials will break that bit of code?), not the least of which were First Amendment Rights enumerated as natural and inviolable in the US Constitution. Association and assembly under the bus, followed by any opinions, messaging, evidence, precedent, … Read more

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Another Front in The Global War on Free Speech

America is unique for many reasons, not the least of which is its First Amendment. No nation codifies a right to free speech as protected from government regulation the way we do. Thou Shalt not (Thou, being the government) make laws abridging the freedom of speech or the press. It’s quite encompassing, as is the … Read more

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

Is Brazil’s War on Speech a ‘Test’ by US and UK Censorship Assets?

Columbia is famous for its coffee, and Brazil is renowned for its censorship. At least it is now. And while censorship in some form is not uncommon anywhere in the world, recent events in Brazil, led by Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Justice Alexandre de Moraes, have opened a whole new door.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Iranian Flag Photo by sina drakhshani on Unsplash

Iran: The Aggressors and the Innocent Citizens Trapped Within the Chaos

Iran is a nation gripped by a crisis. In the last few decades, the lines between truth and misinformation have gradually blurred, adding to the complexities of an already dire situation.

Gov Hochul’s Hitler Youth Program

In my headline, I was going to suggest that what you are about to read was the first phase equivalent of New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s Hitler Youth program, but that ship sailed long ago. Schools have been cauldrons of partisan indoctrination for years. So what’s this then?

Vaccine covid 19 vials

Italian Surgeons Confirm “Particles of Unclear Origin” in Blood of mRNA Vaccine Recipients

“There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.”

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Is Austria Holding Docs Accountable For Harms Caused by a Vaccine They Mandated?

In Nov 2021, Austria mandated COVID19 vaccination to begin Feb 1, 2022. Failure to produce proof of inoculation or exemption would result in a fine. Austria dropped the program a month in but now rumor has it they could hold physicians responsible for vaccine harm.


Vermont Wants Department of Ed to Police School Mascots, Team Names, and Logos

When you know better, you just do, and failing to use that power is an injustice. It is your job to tell everyone else what everything is, or means, what they should do, and how to do it. Even what to say and not. And the more Democrats there are in your government, the more … Read more

Boots Jackboots

A Really Neat Opportunity to Protect the American People from Words

Dear Dr. Disinformation Director Jankowic. Congratulations on your new role as Executive Director for the Board of Governance Disinformation!  This board and its role are long overdue. The amount of disinformation coming out of our government feels like 1930s Germany, and not in the good way.

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The DISINFO Czar is Not the Issue

Over the last week, we have been caught up in the appointment of Nina Jankowicz as the person to head up the new Disinformation Governance Board created by the Biden Administration to be overseen by DHS.

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From Steve Kirsch: An Open Letter to Christi Grimm, Inspector General of the HHS

Dear Inspector General Grimm, There is overwhelming evidence of an enormous amount of corruption at the highest levels of the CDC, FDA, and NIH. These activities are aimed at both:

Vial syringe we have questions

COVID Questions That Gov. Chris Sununu and Dr. Benjamin Chan Need to Answer …

As the media blackout on Pfizer’s science continues in the Granite State, there is little chance anyone claiming to be a journalist on their taxes will ask these critical questions.


We Don’t Need No Freaking “Reality” Czar

Today in America from journalists, academics, and politicians; all we are hearing is groupthink. Their concerns are how to combat disinformation and extremism. It is weak-minded crap. The New York Times (NYT) recently ran this disconcerting headline, “How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis.”

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What Do You Call a Government Commission to ‘Rein in’ Media?

What do you call a government commission to ‘rein in’ media? How about unconstitutional? Too late? Big Tech is already being allowed to pre-chew our news but wow we have politicians hopping on the band wagon with them.  One of them is AOC, that brilliant beacon of tolerance and freedom from NYC.