Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.


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This Passover has ‘bitter taste,’ says Los Angeles-based author, as Hamas hostage crisis continues | Fox News




Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok





Young girl dances on a Persian subway

First, they have all-women trains / cars?  Imagine the feminist outrage if that happened in any Western country.

Second, watch the body language, smiles, even a couple of women join in subtly – and a couple do openly.  These people want freedom.

Iran Cracks Down on Hijab Law; Police Filmed Attacking Women in the Street – Israel News –

VIDEO: Iran Police Attacking, Arresting Women Who Resist Hijab Law (

And our political class lost opportunity after opportunity to help them.

“You don’t speak for us!” (

See the concluding remarks too.  And related to Iran – and critical:

Khamenei’s mythical “nuclear fatwa”, revisited ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Iran lies, all the time. And they know that the world will continue to believe the lies.






There are some serious concerns about why there was an apparent stand-down.





Campus Reform | As American colleges begin cracking down on anti-Semitic events, some California schools let violence go unchecked

”One group of ppl we have easy access to in the US is all these zionist journalists who spread propaganda & misinformation [sic],” Decristo wrote on X. “they have houses w addresses, kids in school.”

”they can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more 🔪🪓🩸🩸🩸”

This will escalate.  And escalate.  And as they get more and more frustrated, their willingness to use violence will grow as well.  More:

Campus Reform | Pro-Palestine students disrupt dinner at home of UC Berkeley law school dean: ‘This is my house!’



Tell me, please… what nation, what people intent on “genocide” repairs a water line that goes to their supposed victims?




If Israel Remains Undeterred by American Pressure | Frontpage Mag

Israel’s National Security Matters More Than Its ‘Reputation’ (

If the foreign policy blob is allergic to anything, it’s victory; it has steadfastly refused to do what it takes to prosecute a conflict to a successful end over and over again. From Afghanistan and Iraq to Libya and Syria, these leftist elites have been unable to stomach the reputational costs of winning and have failed to achieve any sort of lasting security objective. They would rather sacrifice national interests than fail to gain the plaudits of the international community, a position that is being ostentatiously rejected by Jerusalem. Israel is fighting for its very existence as a nation. Without that basic security, what does “reputation” matter?

I think there are some enormous insights in the above attitude to be found here:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals “Think” | The Heritage Foundation

No, There Are No True Moderates In The West Bank Or Gaza (

The only path forward is for Israel to dismantle the terrorist group, relentlessly pursuing the remaining Hamas terrorists — and let the critics say whatever they want.

Is Hamas winning? | Power Line (

The PR war, certainly.  On that:

Hamas has a secret weapon no one talks about: Western stupidity | Casey Babb | The Blogs (

Who the Arabs cheered for in Jerusalem:

Palestinians rally in solidarity with Iran outside of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

This tells you who the Palestinian terrorists ally with.





F around and find out.


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From here:

WATCH: A 1994 video trends on social media of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s son expressing joy over Israeli deaths and his desire to commit Jihad.



Another video about his father:



I’ve posted video after video of Muslims themselves saying that they yearn for death in jihad.  Remember that, for a Muslim, dying in jihad for Allah is THE HIGHEST HONOR.  So these parents are happy – HAPPY! – that their kids (and at least one grandkid IIRC) were killed by the Israelis.  They’re in paradise.

Understand, to your core, the mentality of the enemy.  The only way to combat it is to show them that their dead will be denied paradise.

How American Soldiers Used Pig’s Blood and Corpses to Fight Muslim Terrorism | Frontpage Mag





Robert Spencer video about “moderate Muslims”

He’s forgotten more about Islam than most ever knew.  See his book:

The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS

Just one of many he’s written.  All worth it.



Now, all of this is absolutely true.  But here’s the kicker – that identity exists now.  You will not convince a single Arab to abandon an identity they’ve had inculcated into their culture for generations.  I’m not trying to be a downer, but I’m trying to point out the nature of the battle we face.






New Video Shows Israeli Hostage Yarden Bibas Being Brutally Beaten by Gazan “Civilians” on October 7 (

More and more, reasonable people can – and I am – concluding that there are precious few actually-innocent Gazans.  And more on Oct. 7 celebrations and abuse of Israelis.  And more:

So-called “innocent” Palestinian civilians involved in the Hamas October 7th massacre.

The truth must be told.



Another example of “innocent Gazans”:

Never forget. Never forgive.


The October 7 Rape Denialists – The Atlantic


Glazov Gang: Missing Israeli Hostages – The True Horror of What Hamas Did (

Video.  And another video – gory, be warned.  Note the guy moving, and they shoot him.




From here:

Chris Helali, International Secretary of the Party of Communists USA: After a Century Under the Banner of Lenin, I Believe that the Next Century Will Be Under the Banner of Fighting Imperialism and Supporting Palestine.





From here:

The bustling market in Rafah, Gaza, just a few hours ago.
The international media one day will have to pay the price for the mass psychosis they created around the world through the absolutely fake fatality numbers and the false impression that there is hunger in Gaza.



Related, from here:

The world sends hundreds of free aid trucks daily to Gaza, but Hamas hoards and sells the supplies at extreme prices.

They even throw away food while fabricating drama for sympathy. They have enough; they don’t care about the people’s suffering!



Another related, from here:

This one bakery in northern Gaza produces about 650,000 pita breads each day. Gaza has more than 23 bakeries producing over 3 million pita breads daily.

I dunno guys. Could it be that the people who report “imminent starvation” are the same people who make up the casualty count figures?



My one question – proof this is happening now?  A date stamp that I don’t see?  I’m not doubting it at all, but for the skeptic and for transparency, that’s important.

5 Media Misquotes That Tarnished Israel’s Image During the War | HonestReporting

Understand – no matter how much you hate the media, you don’t hate them enough.



From here – about the bombing of the Iranian “embassy”:

Let’s dispense with a few lies you will likely hear in the coming days:

Lie #1: “Israel started this with its airstrike in Damascus.”

False. Iran has been maintaining a constant assault on Israel for decades via its proxies in the region – chief among them Hezbollah, which is wholly funded, armed, and controlled by the Iranian regime. That assault has only intensified since October 7. Hezbollah has fired rockets and missiles into northern Israel on a near-daily basis for more than six months, causing the depopulation of much of northern Israel. Tens of thousands of Israelis have not seen their homes in half a year due to this Iranian-directed assault; many of their homes no longer exist, having been destroyed by Hezbollah’s rockets. The Houthis, another Iranian proxy group based in Yemen, have also fired numerous missiles at southern Israel. Finally, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been funded, armed, and trained by Iran for years and the Iranian regime views the Palestinian terror groups as part of its offensive efforts against Israel. There has not been a single day in the past six months in which Iran, via its various proxies in the region, has not attacked Israel. The airstrike in Damascus targeted individuals directly responsible for Iran’s ongoing assault on the Jewish state.

Lie #2: “The target of Israel’s airstrike in Damascus was a diplomatic facility.”

False. The notion that the target of the Damascus airstrike was a mere “Iranian consulate” is laughable. The building was a local headquarters of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian military that has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and multiple other countries. Those killed were senior figures in the IRGC, including Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the IRGC’s foreign operations unit who was responsible for liaising with Hezbollah, and his deputy, General Mohammad Hadi Hajriahim. Five other IRGC officers were killed in the airstrike, as were five Iranian-affiliated militiamen, one Hezbollah operative, one Iranian military advisor, and two apparent civilians. The airstrike was aimed at military figures in a military facility and the targets were directly involved in orchestrating attacks on Israel. The fact that the building was adjacent to the Iranian embassy does not change its military character.

Lie #3: “Israel carried out the Damascus airstrike in order to provoke a wider war.”

False. For months, Israel has limited its military response to the ongoing assault by Iranian proxy groups to tit-for-tat airstrikes and artillery fire directly targeting the sources of the attacks. The reality, however, is that large swaths of northern Israel have been uninhabitable due to the ongoing Hezbollah attacks, which are being directed by the group’s patron, Iran. The only way to force Hezbollah to stop its assault on northern Israel and restore calm is to target the Iranian military officials behind the attacks. That is what the Damascus airstrike was intended to do: to end the impunity enjoyed by Iranian military officials as they oversee ongoing attacks targeting the people of Israel.

Lie #4: “Any Israeli response will cause the situation to escalate further.”

False. The unprecedented Iranian assault on Israel, which involved hundreds of missiles and drones, was the escalation. It has been roundly condemned around the world. Israel will respond to this unparalleled act of aggression as any sovereign country would, not least in order to deter the Iranian regime from carrying out further attacks against Israeli territory and send the message that Israel will not tolerate massive attacks on its sovereign territory by a foreign state.

Lie #5: “The relatively limited damage from the Iranian attack means it’s no big deal and Israel should let it go.”

False. The Iranian assault was absolutely unprecedented in its scope and severity.

More, from here:

➡️On April 1st, 2024, Israel targeted the building adjacent to the #Iranian Embassy in Syria, which was being used by top commanders of the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated terror organization responsible for death and destruction across the Middle East and the world.

➡️The Iranian regime misrepresented this counterterrorism event, and used it as an excuse to unleash their first direct attack towards the Jewish State and its people.

➡️Let us be crystal clear:

➡️Iran’s attack on Israel was NOT self-defense. It was an act of terror in which they fired over 300 rockets, ballistic missiles and drones towards the #Jewish state.

➡️This was a declaration of war by the Iranian regime. #Israel has the right and duty to defend itself from the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism: the Iranian regime.



Douglas Murray: A holy war with Iran is looming | SpectatorTV



From here – Pallywood babies:



Taqqiya from Iran:

On the left: Iranian state media claiming this is footage from an Iranian missile which hit Israel.

On the right: the same footage from a fire in Chile in February.

𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐦𝐞: our defense systems intercepted 99% of their missiles.



Take a look at the “Open Air Prison” that is Gaza (

That’s some genocide!  More on this – video at this link, showing beach events.

Hamas conceals casualties casualties, blames Israel for failed launches – The Jerusalem Post (

Remember, lying to fool the enemy is a real thing:

Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam (

Flaws.  Uh huh.

Hamas-Run Gaza Health Ministry Admits to Flaws in Casualty Data (




Brigitte Gabriel on what’s coming to America:



Reprising – you must read her book:

Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America

And also recall this about her youth and the Islamic takeover of Lebanon:



And a new one – that America and the West better learn fast.



Because DEATH TO AMERICA! is here.  Now:

DISGUSTING! Pro-Hamas Muslim thugs burn American flag in midtown Manhattan (

The West must wake. If you tolerate this then your children will be next.

Again, the West is in deep, deep trouble:



Majority of young Muslims in UK want Islamic law | World Israel News

As I understand it, a lot in America do too.

Imagine, in WWII, someone waving a Nazi flag.



Or called for DEATH TO AMERICA!




“We are Hamas” shout Jew-hating students at Columbia University (








Israel: Standing Alone Against Multifaceted Threats, Thanks to the Biden Administration :: Gatestone Institute

The Obama and Biden Administrations’ Betrayal of America’s Closest Ally in the Middle East: Israel :: Gatestone Institute

Israel Under Attack – U.S. Administration Abandoning Its Ally? :: Gatestone Institute

US “ironclad” support for Israel means “we won’t let you fight back.” ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Under Biden Administration, Iran’s Mullahs Enjoying Green Light to Go Nuclear :: Gatestone Institute

I don’t trust his assurances America stands with Israel.  And IMHO – and others too – this is why:

Joe Biden Is Now Chasing The ‘Death To America’ Voter (

Why the left united around hatred of Israel –

RTWT.  Related:

Democrat Senator Van Hollen’s Tirade Against Israel | Frontpage Mag




And The Potato’s administration gives a warm welcome to Iran’s Foreign Minister:



From here:

Meet America’s Senior Director of Intelligence Programs and Special Assistant to President Biden – Maher Bitar.



What’s that expression?  Birds of a feather flock together?

Reform rabbi warns Democrats not to take Jewish vote for granted | World Israel News

Too many have TDS, but he might wake up a few.









Intercepting Iranian missiles cost Israel over a billion dollars | World Israel News

It’s an economic thing too.  War is not just munitions flying.  That’s one of the reasons the Arabs light forest fires in Israel.  Fighting large fires is not just damaging to the land, it’s enormously expensive to fight.

Aid Worker Security Database | Aid Worker Security Database

Being an aid worker is, IMHO, a noble thing – but it’s a dangerous thing too.  Why only Israel criticized?  Oh, wait… Israeli double-standard time.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐫, 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝.

Report: Hamas May Have Baited IDF Into Striking WCK Convoy in Error (

Hamas cannot win militarily.  It can only win through public pressure on Israel.

Mohamed Hadid is a refugee.

At least, per UNRWA standards.  Remember, this guy is a multimillionaire.  A “refugee” like his supermodel, jet-set daughters.  And take a look at who else is anti-Israel:

UPS exec’s daughter, other millionaires’ kids busted in Columbia anti-Israel protest (

Questions for the Most Important Pro-Israel Blogger You Likely Never Heard Of – The Jewish Link

Very good guy.  Here’s his main site:

Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News






You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




Grave danger if Israel attacks (and apparently there was something that happened – I’m still trying to sort out what).  But also grave danger if it doesn’t.  Because as long as the Mullahs rule, as long as the IRGC rules, there can never be peace but only constant fear of a massive and likely nuclear attack… plus continued sponsorship of terror and proxy attacks.

I spoke with a good friend in Israel yesterday; he said that Israel is between a rock and a hard place on this.  But with great danger and risk, potentially comes great rewards.  From here:

➡️A day after the Iranian attack and the streets of Iran are filled with graffiti of opponents of the regime with clear messages: “Israel, attack them!” “You will start and we will continue in the streets” and also “bomb the leader’s office”…
Both in Israel and Iran are waiting in anticipation to land a painful blow on the murderous terrorist regime in Iran!

➡️A day after the Iranian attack on Israel the streets of Iran are filled with graffiti by the civilian opponents of the regime with clear messages: “Israel, attack them!” “You will start and we will continue in the streets” and also “bomb the leader’s office”…

➡️Both in Israel and Iran people are waiting in anticipation to land a painful blow on the murderous Islamist terrorist regime in Iran!



On that note:

‘Israel, free us from the Islamic regime’ – Iranians back the IDF | World Israel News

And from here:

AMAZING: In Paris , following an attack on Israel, Iranians alongside Israeli and Jewish women and men unite in support, chanting ‘Women-Life-Freedom’. Beautiful solidarity!



So the question is not just what damage Israel could do to Iran, how easily they could defend against any further counter, but… whether or not there is a sufficient internal force in Iran to potentially act once an Israeli attack took place.  And while this is funny:



Never, ever, ever underestimate your enemy.  Print this out.  Email it to anyone in Israel, especially active duty soldiers and officers:






And to close on a lighter note – this is funny!



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