From Steve Kirsch: An Open Letter to Christi Grimm, Inspector General of the HHS


Dear Inspector General Grimm,

There is overwhelming evidence of an enormous amount of corruption at the highest levels of the CDC, FDA, and NIH. These activities are aimed at both:

  1. deliberately suppressing any negative safety and efficacy data about the COVID vaccines
  2. suppressing safe, effective treatments using widely available repurposed drugs and supplements

None of these activities are in the public interest. Collectively, we estimate that they have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

It is also clear these actions were not due to negligence or incompetence. The actions are done by people who know exactly what they are doing. When confronted with evidence, they refuse to talk about it.

I’ve listed a few examples below. I would be happy to provide more details upon request on any of these points.

  1. The CDC and FDA are deliberately ignoring their own safety data that shows that the vaccines are unsafe. The safety signals that show the vaccines are too dangerous to us have been flashing “red alert” since January 2021 in the VAERS database which is the official database for reporting safety issues. The public was told that this database was being watched “like a hawk” by the FDA and CDC. How can these agencies see absolutely no signals when others including Dr. Jessica Rose and non-experts such as Albert Benavides were seeing huge safety signals as early as January 2021? How can the CDC miss such obvious safety signals such as more than a 1,000-fold increase in the rate of reported pulmonary embolisms? If it wasn’t the vaccines causing this, then we clearly have a new public health emergency. The CDC claims there are no safety signals. They are lying. It is instantly clear they are lying. See The CDC knew in January 2021 that the vaccines were unsafe, but they said NOTHING. This is unacceptable.
  2. The CDC refuses to acknowledge that there are millions of vaccine injured people in America. The Israeli Ministry of Health did a survey on vaccine injuries and found that 4.5% of people who took the vaccine had neurological issues. I confirmed this same rate of injury with a local physician in my area with over 20,000 patients. Independently, we also know there were hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured people who joined groups on Facebook which Facebook deleted. Why would Facebook find it necessary to remove these groups? And how does the CDC explain the hundreds of thousands of people who joined these groups if the vaccines are safe and effective? The only explanation that fits the data is that the CDC is hiding the fact that the vaccines are unsafe and have injured millions of Americans, many of them permanently.
  3. More than 10 independent methods estimate that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines, yet the CDC says that it hasn’t found a single death due to Pfizer or Moderna. If nobody is dying from the vaccines, how can the CDC and FDA explain the analysis done by Dr. Peter Schirmacher in Germany who is one of the world’s top pathologists? He found that at least 30% to 40% of the deaths within 2 weeks of vaccination were caused by the vaccines. His family is being physically threatened with death if he speaks out about his study. Is this the way science is supposed to work? More troubling is data from embalmers who we have contacted. While some embalmers report a case rate of 40% with telltale blood clots, one embalmer we talked to reported that over 90% of the last 30 cases she embalmed had telltale blood clots that have only been seen in vaccinated people and never seen prior to the COVID vaccines. These clots are not compatible with life. If the vaccines aren’t causing these clots, then what is and why is the CDC saying nothing about the cause of these clots? This should be a national emergency. We have videos of multiple embalmers discovering these clots. None of them have seen these clots prior to the vaccine rollout.
  4. Clear clinical trial fraud is deliberately ignored by the FDA. Maddie de Garay was seriously injured in the Pfizer 12-15 year old trial. She couldn’t walk less than 24 hours after the injection. She’s now a paraplegic on her way to becoming a quadriplegic. Pfizer reported her symptoms as mild abdominal pain. FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock promised me via email she would investigate this case. Nobody ever called. This is not something that could be dropped on the floor by mistake. The FDA deliberately refused to investigate. The Pfizer trial results fraudulently report no serious adverse events to this day. If there isn’t corruption, how is this possible? This is a very high profile case. The mainstream media has ignored it as well. The injury happened to a perfectly healthy 12-year old less than 24 hours after vaccination. This can’t be just “bad luck” since the fact pattern is repeated in other vaccine-injured people.
  5. No cure for the millions of vaccine injured. Not only does the CDC not acknowledge that the vaccines cause injury, they also fail to inform the public that there are no known ways to cure the vaccine injured and restore their health. The FDA has met with the vaccine injured on many occasions. Each time they listen “carefully” and say they will look into it. Nothing ever happens. Why not? They never tell anyone. They clearly know there are many vaccine injured, but will not admit it publicly. They admit nothing to the public about the large number of vaccine injured and their inability to cure these people. That is not in the public interest. This is what informed consent is all about for these experimental products.
  6. They are ignoring the DMED data. The CDC is supposed to be monitoring the DMED data as well as other databases. The DMED data had safety signals as well that clearly showed the vaccines are unsafe. They were unambiguous. Why was there never any public report alerting the public about this?
  7. The public is not getting a proper informed consent briefing. The Nuremberg Code requires that the public get informed consent. The public is not advised of the chance of death or disability from these vaccines. The data is available in VAERS. The CDC doesn’t want the public to know. The public also isn’t being told that the FDA hasn’t been able to “cure” a single vaccine injured patient and restore their health.
  8. The CDC, FDA, and NIH ignore most all email and phone communication attempting to hold them accountable. All attempts to alert responsible individuals at the CDC, the FDA, and their respective outside committees of the safety signals in VAERS were ignored. They simply delete the notifications.
  9. Corruption and intimidation inside the CDC. I’ve heard stories from 3 different people that people who work at the CDC are too intimidated to speak out about what is happening there. See for example, CDC Whistleblower Scientist Given Huge Bonus and Asked to Rewrite Fraudulent Vaccine-Autism Study for details.
  10. Multiple systematic reviews and meta analyses of ivermectin and fluvoxamine are ignored by the NIH. These are the highest level of evidence in evidence-based medicine. This is the standard used by the medical community. How can they be ignored? See for example the April 6 JAMA study on fluvoxamine. We are in an emergency situation and this drug is safe and effective. Why would it not be recommended immediately as soon as that paper was published? Instead the NIH issues a “neutral recommendation” on the drug citing “insufficient evidence.” This is corrupt. You can’t say there is insufficient evidence when there is a peer-reviewed published systematic review and meta-analysis saying the drug works. The NIH recommendation is clearly and objectively corrupt; it isn’t based on science. In fact, an earlier key opinion leader panel more than a year ago recommended fluvoxamine as a patient option when there was far less data than there is now. How is it now that we have overwhelming data on fluvoxamine, we still have a neutral recommendation from the NIH? Why did it take almost a year for the medical journals to publish the notes on the expert panel recommendation? It was rejected by 8 medical journals. The only explanation is corruption. The science is clear. The cost benefit is crystal clear. We don’t know the reason because Cliff Lane refuses to explain this. None of these people will agree to a public discussion. They all want to avoid being held accountable for their decisions by their peers. If there was a hearing on this, they would be unable to defend their position.
  11. The rate of myocarditis is much higher than the CDC is telling people and they know it. I personally know of at least 4 independent places where the rates of myocarditis are approximately 1 in 100. The CDC claims that myocarditis is rare, but cites the VAERS “reporting rates” which are meaningless. The CDC knows full well it needs to normalize the reporting rate to estimated “incidence rates” but they flatly refuse to do so. They just tell people that VAERS is underreported and make no attempts at all to calculate a best estimate of the underreporting factor (URF). In fact, they have refused to calculate this number. If they did calculate the number based on their own methodology, the number would be in excess of 40 meaning that the incidence rate is 40 times higher than the reporting rate. By deliberately withholding any mention of the URF or how to calculate it using their own methodology, they are giving the public the false impression that events such as myocarditis are significantly more rare than they really are. This is scientific fraud. You can easily verify this with almost any cardiologist. Why are we only seeing extremely high rates of myocarditis in children at high rates AFTER the vaccines rolled out? How can a little private school with 400 boys have 4 cases of myocarditis? And why aren’t any of these schools talking about their rates of vaccine injuries?
  12. All attempts by dozens of us to find answers to our questions about vaccine safety and efficacy were deflected. If there is an honest explanation for any of these observations for some reason nobody wants to share it with us. Not even for a million dollars. Instead, the White House has directed technology companies to censor us. The behavior is consistent with people who have something to hide.
  13. Tony Fauci: If Tony Fauci created SARS-CoV-2, it would be important for people to know that. It appears he funded that research and the virus leaked out of the lab he indirectly funded. There were a series of emails that happened after the virus was released where Fauci asked experts what they thought and then he created a plan to cover up the expert opinion so the public wouldn’t know the virus was man-made. Your office can obtain the unredacted emails which will reveal the cover-up. Why would he do that if he had nothing to do with the virus?
  14. Early treatments that work are ignored by the NIH: Every single early treatment generic drug that worked against COVID was ignored by the NIH. Nothing was recommended, not a single one. This is a pandemic. People are dying. Why would the NIH not recommend the use of aspirin, vitamin D, fluvoxamine, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. when the vast majority of published papers showed these drugs were safe and effective? For example, I personally funded the Boulware HCQ trial which claimed that HCQ didn’t work. But that’s not what the study said. The study said there was a positive effect, but the study size was too small to get to statistical significance. And when David Wiseman analyzed the results, he found that the results were statistically significant. We could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths if the NIH weren’t instructed to ignore all early treatment drugs and find excuses for not recommending them. The extreme example was the Fareed-Tyson protocol. They treated over 10,000 patients with no deaths, but the NIH ignores that. Why? If the NIH acknowledged these protocols, we can then discard all mitigation strategies as unnecessary. Yet the NIH has no interest in investigating these proven treatment protocols that work. I can understand that if they have a treatment protocol that works with 10,000 patients with no deaths. But they have no such protocol. So why are they ignoring this proven treatment?
  15. Negative data that is withheld: The CDC admitted to the New York Times that they aren’t disclosing certain data because it might be misused by “misinformation spreaders.” Is that the real reason? Or are they hiding the information because it shows that the vaccines are dangerous or don’t work? For example, the UK government disclosed that triply vaccinated people had a 3 times higher rate of infection than unvaccinated people. When the numbers got even worse over time, they decided not to report the numbers anymore. What data is the CDC hiding and is there a valid reason it is being withheld? Withholding negative data is not in the public interest.
  16. NIH Guidelines Panel corruption. There are undisclosed conflicts of interest on the CDC COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines panel. It appears this panel is not assessing the science objectively. Fluvoxamine is a perfect example


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