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Windham Selectman Bruce Breton Calls for Election Official’s Resignations

Earlier today, Windham Selectman Bruce Breton formally requested the resignations of Windham Moderator Peter Griffin and Windham School District Moderator Elizabeth Dunn to resign their positions due to continuing, egregious errors related to the November 3, 2020 election and September 13, 2022, State Primary election.

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The Windham Incident: The AG Has some Questions…

PRESS RELEASE: September 16, 2021 – Windham, NH – On September 1, 2021, the attorney for the town of Windham received a four-page letter that contains a list of detailed questions regarding the town’s testing of their voting machines, as well as the handling of ballots.

The Windham Swamp: Weaponized Government – Part 2

This is posted on behalf of Tom Murray, Co-Founder of the Government Integrity Project. I am absolutely perplexed at how incompetent Windham’s Community Development Director Rex Norman and our Planning Board are. Look at the video of the Planning Board meeting that took place on 8/4/21 ( At 1:25:00 Rex Norman seeks to convince the … Read more

The Windham Swamp: Weaponized Government – Part 1

The Government Integrity Project (GIP) was formed to ensure election integrity and to hold elected and appointed representatives accountable at all levels of government. The mission is to restore our government to the principles of our founding documents.

Voter Suppression and fraud

To Help You Understand Why The “Windham Audit” Was Always A Sham

I knew from the beginning that the “Windham Audit” was a SHAM. Four letters explain why: F-I-T-N. As in First-In-The-Nation presidential-primary. A lot of important, powerful people make a lot of money from the First-In-The-Nation presidential-primary. And so would lose a lot of money if New Hampshire lost its F-I-T-N status, which would have been a … Read more



The forensic audit for the Windham November general election mandated all of the ballots be fed through all of the voting machines. They were.  In order to simulate the general election, the machines had to be reset to 11/03/20 before the ballots were fed through the machines. They were.