Women_in_stocks_at_Turku_Medieval_market_2015 WikiCommons under license - CC BY-SA 3.0

They Shoulda Just Left James Cromwell There, Self-Super-Glued to the Starbucks Counter

I put this into the same category as “if they are threatening to kill themselves via a hunger strike, gimme a lawn chair, popcorn, and a great prime rib steak.”

CVS mask mandate graphic

Target, Macy’s, CVS, Home Depot, Starbucks, and Best Buy *Drop Mask Mandates

Responding to more useless advice from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), major retailers are changing their masking policies. Remember, the CDC once said masks would make no difference until they did; they didn’t, then they did. Well, now they do, but they don’t.

masks false sense of protection

Dr. Deborah Birx: In-Person Voting is Like Waiting in Line at Starbucks

Dr. Deborah Birx was no one of interest to the general population until the COVID19 scare. Now you’d be hard-pressed to find folks who have no clue who she is – a coordinating member of the White House Coronavirus Taskforce. One of those supposed experts. And she thinks you can and should vote in person.

Liberals ordering a gun

It’s the Millennial version of ordering from Starbucks

I’m thinking of what the few gun shop sales folks I have dealt with would have done or said if such an over-condescending, self-arrogant guy came into their dealerships and uttered something similar to the meme above.

BRCC Mixed Rounds

Black Rifle Coffee Company Responds After Starbucks Barista Writes ‘PIG’ On Officers Cup

Early on, Starbucks was an innovative free-market success story. But after a while, they became pretentious liberal privileged social-justice douchebags. We treat them accordingly. So, this story makes us smile. 

Dump Starbucks

Dunkin’ Donuts Win: Starbucks Barista Asks Police Officers to Leave Because Customer Didn’t Feel Safe

Petty criminals of the world take note. Starbucks Baristas might be making your job easier by sending the message that the police are not welcome in their stores. Dunkin’ Donuts, this might be a great time to show your support for local PDs.

Escape Starbucks’ Pretentious Carp – At Dunkin’ There’s No Liberal Political Preachin’

Starbucks Coffee sucks. It does. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was six years old. Their coffee is overpriced pretentious crap. And you are free to disagree. Spend your money to make Woke Liberal Wunderkind Howard Schultz wealthier. But if you’d like an alternative to any of that, Dunkin’ Donuts is apolitical.

I guess Starbucks is getting serious about this; and the Enviro-wackos response?

(H/T: Powerline)

Your Morning Cup of Cancer – Court Says Coffee in California Must Carry Warning Label, Starbucks Should Declare “Sanctuary!”

Coffee is under attack. On Wednesday, a Los Angeles judge ruled in favor of a nonprofit that sued 90 coffee companies over claims that they had failed to comply with a state law that requires businesses to warn consumers about chemicals in their products that could cause cancer, Reuters reported. The lawsuit, filed in 2010 … Read more

Starbucks’ Brand Perception Plummets After Announcing Plan to Hire Refugees

I’ve been getting some decent traffic from Facebook, but nothing compares to an article I wrote about Syrian Refugees coming to New Hampshire. If you want someone’s attention, write about illegal immigration or refugee resettlement. The jobs and economy narratives are good too, but I think we all know why Mr. Trump won the White House. … Read more

Starbucks wants to lecture you

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

On Starbucks and “Race Together”: “I realize that a race-and-gender-studies degree tends to lead to a barista position,…”

“…so at least they’re trained, but most of us don’t really care what they have to say.”  – Instapundit You know, Laura Ingraham (conservative talk show host and pundit) wrote a book a while ago called “Shut up and Sing” whose message was “I have given you money to entertain me – not lecture me … Read more

Starbucks War On Women?

I’ve never been to Starbucks but they must have some darn good coffee there. Police were summoned to the Bradenton business “by the staff at Starbucks regarding a female that was in their lobby and was masturbating.”  – Smoking Gun The woman was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia after a police officer, summoned by the … Read more


Dunkin Donuts in New England are a lot like Liquor stores in Florida. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one. They are everywhere. Ubiquitous. Long before America ran on, Dunkin’, New England’s morning was fueled by gazillions of cups of the stuff. I have theorized that, especially in the blue states, it was … Read more

Heavy Metal Dark Chocolate Bugaloo

It is impossible not to write clickbait headlines … sometimes. And that’s not because there are not a lot of reasons to use them. It seems that people, despite their dislike, can’t NOT click on them. Maybe the same way you can’t NOT look at a road accident you are passing contributing to the rubber-necker … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


(singing) Monday Monday, can’t trust that day!

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Just this:

San Francisco Is Falling Into the Progressive Dystopian Sea

Growing up, we learned about fault lines, earthquakes, and how the coast of California had lots of the former and was prone to the latter. One fault line we did not discuss, that I would come to understand years later, was that Democrat rule could be equally devastating.

USA Today Pretends A Former Feinstien Aide and Fusion GPS Guy is Non-Partisan

The Deep State Stenographers at USSA Today published something with this ridiculous headline. “Why the conspiracy theory that Biden will use COVID to rig election is spreading unchecked.”

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!