San Francisco Is Falling Into the Progressive Dystopian Sea

Steve MacDonald

Growing up, we learned about fault lines, earthquakes, and how the coast of California had lots of the former and was prone to the latter. One fault line we did not discuss, that I would come to understand years later, was that Democrat rule could be equally devastating.

If you made the mistake of falling into that trap, voting for progressive politicians and their empty promises, the decline would evolve into the prophesied doom loop—a cascade of systemic policy failure catalyzing into rapid decline. A handful of US cities are experiencing this deliberate destruction. Yes, deliberate. This is no accident, though most Democrat voters, nearly all the independents, and at least a few Republicans might be surprised to learn that inconveninet truth.

From its beginnings, the Marxists were very clear. You cannot make the utopian omelet without breaking all the eggs. All of them. Oh, and there is also no utopia, and only the ruling elites will be able to afford eggs or anything else. You have doubts. Look at San Francisco. Decades of Democrat rule have catapulted it into a dystopian decline.

The Sh!tty by the Bay. Poop and discarded needle maps, rampant crime, and homelessness. It’s a dump.


The problem began with a government policy, of course. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the city paused enforcement of graffiti removal. Now graffiti and other property crimes are out of control.

Another novel but serious crime problem also has struck the Bay Area: piracy.


Piracy! Hooligans use old boats or steal newer ones to rob and pillage Bay Area boaters.


Homeless encampments are being used as mini-pirate coves. Bands of thieves use small watercraft to raid houseboats and yachts in Bay Area harbors. These thieves often violently assault those aboard.

So, is there a plan to stop the pirates? Not really. In fact, the Oakland Police Department often won’t respond to calls.


Even Starbucks can’t take it anymore. They have joined Whole Foods, Walgreens, and other retailers who are fleeing. Starbucks had 59 locations in the city. They are closing seven. A number that will grow as the problem of Democrat rule continues to push the City by the Bay into the rhetorical bay. No one is holding conventions there, though I suspect part of the problem is the lack of hotel space occupied by Joe’s illegals. Office vacancy is reportedly at 30%, a number that can only grow.

As the budget becomes increasingly strained, as it must, the government will abandon its promises to sustain itself, as is always the case, but will people understand? Not in San Francisco, but everywhere else in America. This is what they want for the entire nation. San Francisco is America if we don’t change course and for at least a half-dozen election cycles.

San Francisco is on its way into the progressive dystopian fee, and the party responsible is giddily looking to drag the rest of America with it.

And it will if you let them.


HT | Daily Signal


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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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