Dunkin Donuts in New England are a lot like Liquor stores in Florida. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one. They are everywhere. Ubiquitous. Long before America ran on, Dunkin’, New England’s morning was fueled by gazillions of cups of the stuff. I have theorized that, especially in the blue states, it was the Two “Ds” in close proximity, or maybe their coffee is just good. And that was before all the flavors and shots and the Dunkin’ Folk deciding they were not comfortable advertising on Rumble.
I imagine they don’t mind having the platform for themselves when it comes to Java, but that doesn’t change what is happening on the ground(s). Dunkin’ doesn’t want to run on both sides of the aisle, so feel free to take that however you like. Boycott, buycott, whatever puts the cream in your, well, you know. And this is New England. You can choose to drink someone else’s coffee (I recommend you make your own), but the other large drive-thru AM (or anytime) commuter coffee option is Starbucks, which is exponentially more whole.
Drink wisely.