Pfizer Admits that mRNA Lipid Nano Particles Could Trigger Heart Problems ‘In Some People’

by Steve MacDonald

As part of the oops, let’s move along campaign by The Public Health Industrial Complex, also doing business as the apology tour, Pfizer has done some research and concluded that the mRNA Vaccines can cause some heart problems.

Related: The CDC Lied About COVID Vaccine Safety Surveillance

This isn’t news. We’ve known that for years now. But them ‘admitting it’ is new.


“Although the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine is optimized to reduce its detection by the innate immune system through the addition of nucleoside modifications and minimizing double-strand RNA impurity, it is possible, especially in certain individuals with genetic predisposition and underlying conditions that the immune responses to mRNA may not be sufficiently turned down and drive the activation of an innate and adaptive immune response,” they wrote in the 48-page white paper.

Is this the part where we note that one of the preexisting conditions was being under twenty years old with no need whatsoever to get Jabbed – a category we could quickly expand to almost anyone under 50 with no other health risks for flu?

That’s a lot of folks.

Good thing you’ve got the EUA immunity deal that only hinges on ensuring you provide informed consent, which was never the case, so here’s a 48-page report telling us you cared enough to do some research two years too late, and hey, it’s not our fault.

Genetic predisposition!

But this was all known before the FDA illegally green-lighted the cash cow mRNA injection. It was postulated by thousands of experts early on in the deployment and often ever since.

Doctors across the US and the planet were saying hold up! People are getting hurt and dying to which your sugar daddy Big Fed responded by labeling all of that disinformation (with help from Big Tech and Progressive media) to hide it from the masses.

You even asked a judge to hide the truth for several decades.

It turns out the number of those predisposed is so large that under any other circumstance, it would have required a complete recall and ban on the product whose complications were willfully hidden, including miscarriage, stroke, infant death, and adult death syndromes.

At least 40,000 people so far have died from an adverse reaction. Nearly 195,000 needed hospitalization; of those, over 147,000 required urgent care. Another 64,000 have been permanently disabled. And we know these are undercounted.

The CDC’s reporting APP shows that at least 7.7% of injection recipients missed work and had to seek medical attention for a wide range of symptoms not listed in that app as side effects.

But hey, thanks for the heads up and the helpful hint that the issue is not the vaccine but the people who have some preexisting sensitivity we could sum up as “being alive.”

So, when can we expect the paper on how it’s not just the heart that suffers from the inflammation response caused by your “vaccine?”



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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