Pfizer’s Got Another Vaccine

Being a bemused cynic has its benefits. For example, when I saw this article about a new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, my first thought was, is this why they wanted COVID?

The medical industry, and Big Pharma in particular, appear to be in the business of doing more business no matter what the human cost. I have zero trust in the so-called experts in public health. Nothing they say or do arrive at my ear without the suggestion of other motives. So what if the lab leak was meant to release the actual virus – not SARS CoV2 but the mRNA platform (which became a cash cow ) so the public health industrial complex could sell more cures for what that did?

And on and on.

And if a few million people die and millions more are infertile, go, team depopulation!

It’s not a conspiracy theory because it already happened, not that this would stop the partisan social media fact-checkers from adding context (they blame it all on white colonialists named Trump).

Moderna recently announced a new treatment for folks with heart problems, a common side effect of the mRNA vaccine in young men (and yeah, “the vaccines” are doing that). It, too, is an mRNA vaccine.

And now we’ve got Pfizer talking up that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine we mentioned in the opening.

RSV is a leading cause of pneumonia, and the mRNA COVID vaccine is a leading cause of the depressed immune system that can turn any flu infection into RSV. Not to worry, Pfizers got this idea.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve both vaccines for people aged 60 and above by May, while an FDA decision on the use of Pfizer’s vaccine for pregnant women is due in August. …

Annaliesa Anderson, Pfizer head of vaccines research & development, told the same briefing that the company anticipates a population of about 4 million pregnant women annually in the United States who could eventually receive its RSV vaccine, though the market will take time to shape.

She later told Reuters that the so-called “tripledemic” that hit the northern hemisphere this winter may have at least temporarily raised awareness of RSV, which despite its dangers for the very old and very young is not well known by the public.

“In the U.S. (this winter), the pediatric hospitals were full of babies all with RSV…, it certainly hit the news and people were much more aware,” she said.


I wonder how many of those moms – fortunate to have avoided the mass-miscarriage phase of the safe-and-effective mRNA vaccine push – were still injected and passed the mRNA on to the babies who got RSV?

Babies that to big pharma look like a lifelong customer line item on their budget, if they live at all.



HT | PJ Media

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