Another Look at the Pfizer Docs

Steve MacDonald

Hardly news, but to many, it is – and that will continue to be true until everyone is aware of what it is the FDA and Pfizer knew and when they knew it. With that in mind, I gelt it appropriate to share Naomi Wolf’s 2023 remarks at Hillsdale College.

Naomi helped a team of thousands of experts fisk and distill what pfizer had the FDA wanted to hide when they asked a judge to let them lock it up for 75 years. Their release explains why they didn’t want anyone to see them, and it is important that even a general fisking of details that a speech provides be revisited because those facts alone are alarming.

Pfizer and the FDA knew one month into injecting young people that there was a significant risk of heart problems. Still, they let advocates push the mRNA injection at parents and kids – with all the fearmongering and promises that it was safe for months before saying anything.

72% of all adverse events affected women and 16% of those were explicitly related to reproduction.

Did you know that BioNtech is a Chinese company (not German) and that China owns all of its intellectual property or that the vaccines its Chinese parent produces are not available in China?

Wolf manages to remind us of much in her short time, and while you may know most of what she has to share, it is worth a review and a reminder. This comes from documents created by Pfizer that the FDA wanted to be hidden.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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