Breaking: You Can Probably Sue Pfizer Over That Tainted mRNA COVID Vaccine

I think we’ve been clear about this. The immunity protections given to Pfizer by the government were never genuine, and the people handing them out knew that. And that while the Pfeds would cover for their own, the rest were on their own. That day may have arrived.


You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration.  …

The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed.


That is Steve Kirsch via Thread reader, and thanks to the small army of “researchers” who sent it to me. And I’m very excited to have hinted at Pfizer’s doom (with a lot of help from the internet) just last week. Two pull quotes from my piece. First,


If you hide details that lead to harm, the political rats will abandon your ship faster than you can say mRNA Vaccines.

That’s the boat Pfizer may soon find itself in, and it should not expect its Pfederal Pfriends to lift a pfinger to help, noting that any who might have probably “retired” and have packed their”stipends” and inducements in their saddle bags as they ride into the sunset. Any still on the payroll (wink-wink) also got what they wanted. A full-scale global tyranny test that a majority of the Western World Pfailed.


And second.


The ‘crats (Demo and Bureau) will feign surprise and outrage if the weight of truth becomes too much for the narrative damn to hold back, they will find the nearest microphone and throw Pfizer under the bus. The Pfeds will lose the Pf and launch investigations while states bring lawsuits to take whatever settlement they can manage as “compensation” for being fooled or in on the scam.


For now, rejoice. Shoddy drug-making and sloppy Quality control (remdesivir with glass particles in it) may have opened the door for a global lawsuit that would end Pfizer, which investors saw coming. There is, of course, at least one fiat. While the government stooges will easily switch sides and take their pound of flesh from either with a wink and a smile, one judge’s ruling is only another ruling away from becoming meaningless.

I don’t think this leaking barrel holds water long-term because of systemic deception.

Tens of thousands of pages of Pfizer and FDA documents are in the public domain. There is clear evidence of misinformation, deception, and fraud. Research continues to pile up, proving the jab was crap, getting it made matters worse, getting more of it worst still. And people were wising up to that.

The FDA and CDC then drove disinformation down into the state and local public health Matrix, and the process was multiplied. They created the tagline that will come to haunt them.

Safe and Effective. It was neither. And they have been avoiding the conversation becasue it makes them look dumber than the people they’ve been ridiculing who told the truth. That means you burn any bridge to save some face. So whichever way the ill wind blows, the Government franchise of the Medical Industrial Complex will cover its bloated ass, and blowing up Pfizer is a small price to pay.

And Pfizer doesn’t have a police force if you take my meaning.

So, once they get the okay, every DA and AG across the fruited plain will want a vulture in line to pick at the carcass. And they’ll pretend that means they were looking out for you all along. And? How about more regulations and more government to regulate the regulators?

You can count on that.

Whatever happens, don’t be distracted by the potential for the largest class action lawsuit in human history, Pfizer’s inability to pay what they should, or any government is your health-freedom friend crap. None of them has your back (we do). And all do it again in a heartbeat.

But you saw through the covid crap the first time, so keep that eyesight sharp and your BS meter ready.

Stay frosty.


This article was updated after publication.

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