“Feel so lost, desperation…Sanctuary”

J Geils Sanctuary
Times are tough, frustration
Need relief, medication
Gone to far, intoxication
Fight the urge, of temptation
Miles ago, no destination
Is a real, hallucination
Lose the dream, of stagnation
Feel so lost, desperation
That, of course, is the opening verse of the J Geils Band’s hit from several decades ago, "Sanctuary." No, the song nor the group has had any sort of recent renaissance, but it seems that the topic surely has. Skip writes about the movement to turn the Granite State into a sanctuary for illegals here, here, and here.
In an excellent (as always) editorial for today’s Orange County Register, Mark Steyn asks, "Speaking of Sanctuary, where’s ours?" Discussing the recent execution style murders in NJ perpetrated by illegal immigrants finding "sanctuary" here in the US, Steyn wonders if it might someday help the jihadists in their cause…
One could, I suppose, regard this as one of those unforeseen incremental consequences that happens in the darkest shadows of society. But that doesn’t extend to Newark’s official status as an illegal-immigrant "sanctuary city." Like Los Angeles, New York and untold others, Newark has formally erased the distinction between U.S. citizens and the armies of the undocumented. This is the active collusion by multiple cities and states in the subversion of U.S. sovereignty. In Newark, N.J., it means an illegal-immigrant child rapist is free to murder on a Saturday night. In Somerville, Mass., it means two deaf girls are raped by MS-13 members. And in Falls Church, Va., it means Saudi Wahhabists figuring out that, if the "sanctuary nation" (in Michelle Malkin’s phrases) offers such rich pickings to imported killers and imported gangs, why not to jihadists?
As it’s Mark Steyn, you really should read the whole piece–you’ll be smarter when you’re done.


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