Alleged Pedophiles Grooming Children & You Can Help Us Stop It

by Op-Ed

I recently did an investigation into a Drag Queen performer who goes by the name Reverend Yolanda, and in this investigation, I found out that the group he was part of, the Radical Faeries, was actually a covert pedophile group.

Meet us on June 28th at 10:30 am EST in Conway, NH, at the Public Library on 15 Greenwood Ave so we can stop him from grooming children.

I was able to prove that Yolanda was part of the Radical Faeries and that the founder of the Radical Faeries, Harry Hay, a pedophile and founder of the North American Man/Boy Love Association, designed the Radical Faeries to hide pedophiles and infiltrate the Progressive Left to promote pedophilia. There are many other things that I uncovered and showed in the article, so if you haven’t read it I would suggest you give it a look through and share it with everyone you know.

Yolanda is scheduled to perform in front of children on June 28th at 10:30 am EST in Conway, NH at the Public Library on 15 Greenwood Ave. I need your help to stop this monster from harming children. I have contacted the police but they sighted that the 1st Amendment would protect him from being shut down, which is funny because last year they banned us from protesting in the public library. What happened to our 1st Amendment rights? The truth is rights don’t exist without the threat of violence and the state has a monopoly on violence. And this is why they try to take away our 2nd Amendment.

We want to thank Samara for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Yolanda Admits to Being a Radical Faerie:

During an interview with NYCITY NewsService titled “Helping Boys and Girls Feel Comfortable” Yolanda was asked about this question, “But you knew you were not Tony?” And Yolanda responded:

Since I was a kid, I was really aware of myself. At least by fourth grade. But probably before that I knew that I was different. I was raised as a boy but I never felt like a boy. Back then we didn’t have words to describe gender identity. So I assumed I was a gay boy. That was the closest I could think I was.”

I came out in elementary school, I think I was around 10. Which, actually, now that I work in Drag Story Hour, I meet a lot of kids who know they’re trans by the age of 10. They do. So I was right on track.”

Of course it was really rough for a long time. So when we moved to a different state I decided I would start all over again and would go back in the closet. That didn’t work because I started falling in love with all these boys…I later decided to study theater and move to New York.”

Then Yolanda was asked, “So it was then when you really discovered Yolanda?” And he answered:

So at that point I got really discouraged…Then around the 1990s (1993), I met a group of people called the Radical Faeries. We were queer people that played with gender (…) I was exploring a new age of spirituality. I moved to another Radical Faerie commune in Vermont and that’s when I started calling myself Yolanda.”

Harry Hay, North American Man/Boy Love Association Spokesman:

Hay was an ardent supporter of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a gay organization that advocates for pedophilia, and in a 1983 article, titled “A Quest for Knowledge,” that Hay wrote for NAMBLA, he makes the parallel of the word “faeries” to his organization that he founded, the Radical Faeries:

Between thirteen and fourteen, I had begun to hear about the fact that there are men who sometimes like boys, and I want very much to know about these things. I’d heard about this from the men who worked in the fields the year before. They told me about them; they called them ‘fairies.’

Hay also explains how he become a pedophile by being molested by an adult:

I get a job on the freighter. It took two and a half days for the freighter to go from San Francisco to Los Angeles in those days, and they break at San Luis Obispo. They go in for the night to San Luis Obispo proper. I’m checking it out with the fellows because in one of the places they had some rotgut—remember, this is Prohibition—and then get all looped with the queers. I decided, I don’t want to go with the queers, but I might go out and watch the fellows go in and out and watch everything else. But the point is that I had perfect choice. I had the right to make a choice. I am fourteen; I am earning a man’s board, a man’s labor, I’m being treated as a man at fourteen, and I’m making all kinds of decisions at fourteen. But from the point of view that you are hearing, I am a child.”

Hay then tries to say that he was the molester and not the 25-year-old man:

The point is that I was perfectly capable of handling myself and knowing exactly what I wanted. But this year I knew that I wanted to find a man to tell me what I wanted to know. So, at fourteen, you realize, I’m a child molester. I’m a child, and I’m molesting an adult till I find out what I want to know. And I found him, and he was shocked. Then he discovered that, rather than being a man, as he suspected that I was from the way I looked—my callouses on my hands, and the way I handled myself, and my clothing—that I was only a fourteen-year-old kid, and if anybody found out about it he’d be in jail for life, or, at least in California twenty-three years in that period.”

It is because of this molestation that Hay bases his whole ideology and begins the demonic task of trying to normalize your children being molested so they too can become like him and so that older men like him can enjoy your children:

I’m telling you this story, and I’m saying it tonight, in memory of a man—all I can remember is that his name was Matt. And I send to all of you my love and deep affection for what you offer to the boys, in honor of this boy when he was fourteen, and when he needed to know best of all what only another gay man could show him and tell him.”

Hay then tells the world that you’re not truly a gay ally if you don’t let pedophiles rape your children:

I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

So, again, as I said, my offering is not as a member of NAMBLA, but in memory of that fourteen-year-old boy who was handled by Matt so long ago. And in memorial to Matt, I offer you my love.”

This wasn’t the first time that Hay had been molested; in fact, early on in his life, he was molested by an older man at a swimming pool. Speaking at a NAMBLA conference on Oct. 7, 1984, Hay recounted an experience from his childhood where he was molested by the gay man:

So I’m about twelve years old and I swim very well at this point—very good swimming underwater and various other things. And so I don’t go into the kids’ pool, I go in the big pool. And I had this experience probably five or six times. Some man comes up to me, wants me to see how long he can stay underwater. And it’s important for me to understand just how long he stays underwater. He’s going to go way down to the other end of the pool and he’s going to come up between my legs and he’s going to come out the other end. So he goes down to the other side, he swims through my legs, and he [does?] my cock out of my bathing suit and he caresses it a couple of times and comes out the other end. And then he is going to come back. So he comes back through again, and this time spends a little more time.”

The True Purpose of the Radical Faeries:

At a NAMBLA conference in Los Angeles on November 8th, 1986, Harry Hay explained to his fellow pedophiles that they were going to have to operate unground covertly to make sure they could continue to enjoy pedophilia:

“I find this particular situation that we’re coming into, in a way, a sort of replay of things I’ve seen before in my life, and I would suggest that it’s very possible that we are moving into a period where, as the speaker [Dan Tsang] pointed out, we may find ourselves being moved against on all fronts.  Which would suggest, then, that we’re going to have to go back to various forms of underground activity. I would say that in my life, I’ve spent more time being an outlaw than being an in-law. And consequently, I would say that I know a good deal about how you operate as an outlaw, how you operate underground, how you operate in defiance, how you operate, presumably, almost in parallel, but actually in opposition to it.”

Next Hay talks about advancing pedophilia in America by ingratiating themselves into government and the Progressives of the Left that we see today:

“One of things that I think we have to be concerned about—and here again, I think this is where we begin to see what we can do and how far we can advance ourselves—is the march on Washington that comes up next October.  I think this is a place where we have to find very imaginative ways to reach all kinds of elements of the community that we up to now haven’t thought of touching.  Not only to reach all kinds of elements of our own community, but to find the weak spots, shall we say, within the left, within the progressive forces in the hetero community who might find themselves in parallel with where we are, or in parallel with the way that we feel we are going to go, and make of them willing—or even unwilling—allies in this whole regard.  I think, as a matter of fact, we can count on the fact that we’re probably going to see far more repression on the part of the government for a while.  I don’t think we’ve peaked.  I think we’re seeing ourselves on the beginning of a rising tide.  And we’re going to have to fall back on our inventiveness and our creative imagination.”

Lastly, Hay tells the world what the Radical Faeries actually are and what they are designed to do for pedophiles:

“And here, honeys, I might say that the Radical Faeries are way ahead of you, because don’t forget that faeries can always vanish.  This is one of the things that we’re going to have to learn to do again.  We have to learn to remember that when people lean on us too hard, we just simply aren’t there anymore.  There are ways and means by which we can do that.  I do pass on to you the remark that was passed on to the revolutionaries by Maksim Gorky long ago:  He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day.”

What Would You Do to Save Your Own Children?

Yolanda is scheduled to perform in front of children on June 28th at 10:30 am EST in Conway, NH, at the Public Library on 15 Greenwood Ave. I need your help to stop this monster from harming children.

I have contacted the local police, but they cited that the First Amendment would protect him from being shut down. This is funny because last year, on June 23rd, they banned us from protesting in the public library. What happened to our First Amendment rights?

If you would like to voice your concerns to the Conway PD, here is their info:

  • Tel: (603) 356-5715
  • E-Mail:

Make sure to remind Chief Christopher J. Mattei, who is one of the police officers in the video, that it’s unconstitutional to ban protestors from a public building.

The truth is rights don’t exist without the threat of violence, and the state has a monopoly on violence. And this is why they try to take away our 2nd Amendment.

I tried reaching out to the local newspaper, the Conway Daily Sun, and the editor, Margaret McKenzie, called me transphobic and claimed that I didn’t know what journalism was. Then I reached out to their publisher, Mark Guerringue, who stated that he wouldn’t look at my article because it was nonsense, even though he hadn’t looked at it. Guerringue even went out of his way to insinuate that it was fabricated because I “hate gay people”.

If you would like to voice your concerns to the Conway Daily Sun, you can reach them with their publicly available contact info:

Mark Guerringue, publisher:

  • email,
  • phone, 603-387-5160

Margaret McKenzie, editor:

  • email,
  • phone, 603-733-5801

These are the kinds of people that we are going up against. They want to convert your children and subject them to harm so that your children will grow up to loathe you. They will not stop unless we force them from society. And mark my words, the police are just as complicit in this as the pedophiles.

So please show your support by commenting down below, sharing this post and leaving a like so that our cause becomes a massive call to protect children. I cannot in good faith rest until this pedophile is cast out of society.

Use the comment section as a petition that you will be there on June 28th at 10:30 am EST in Conway, NH at the Public Library on 15 Greenwood Ave so we can stop him from grooming children. We need all the support we can get to stop this man from harming children.


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