And Y’all Want Joyce Craig in Charge of This?

A quick snippet from the UL’s Landrigan (Reformatted, emphasis mine): …Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut’s term comes up a few months after the next governor takes office, which would give a Democrat the chance to quickly transition to new leadership. The next governor also will have enough appointments to secure a majority on the state Board … Read more


Joyce Craig’s Coverup

On Friday, I sent a formal Right to Know request to Mayor Craig demanding the release of “Whiteness” training used for both school district and city employees. Earlier today, I received this email in response.

Joyce Craig

Good Job By Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig For This Defunding Decision

The Union Leader has a report on Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig’s budget proposal, and it lists a number of funded items and the number of tax dollars allocated to them. Pretty much standard fare. However! I saw something I never thought I’d see from an Illiberal Democrat Mayor – a DEFUNDING.

Joyce Craig

Taxes, Mayor Joyce Craig, and Silence in Manchester

Having recently received my tax bill in Manchester, I noticed something.  The tax increase, projected by both Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig and the Board of Aldermen at .49%, was actually nearly triple that amount at 1.4%.  In and of itself, a 1.4% tax increase isn’t earth-shattering.

Mayor Joyce Craig’s Private Pool Club Immune from Coronavirus?

Earlier this week, Mayor Joyce Craig cast several tie-breaking votes to keep city pools, the Splash Pad, and playgrounds closed for at least another month due to public health concerns. City Health Department Director Anna Thomas insisted that the pandemic “is spreading like wildfire” throughout Manchester. But sources tell GraniteGrok that the city health department … Read more


Joyce Craig Surrenders Manchester to the Mob

So Manchester’s Mayor was on twitter today: What I saw in Minnesota was a depraved and sadistic police officer kill a man while several other police officers aided or permitted it. I have no idea whether any of the officers involved were motivated by racial animus. I assume the State Attorney General and the U.S. … Read more

Mayor Joyce Craig

Mayor Joyce Craig – Some might call these kickbacks

This was sent in by a ‘Grok reader and I stared at it in horror.  I can see a quick lunch being offered by the department…but a “banquet” and “prizes” worth thousands of dollars??? Reformatted, emphasis mine: My friend started a job working for the Manchester Cemetery maintenance department.  Two weeks ago ,he was cutting the … Read more