Reminder: The Jet Stream IS Messed Up But Your “Emissions” Have Nothing to do With That

An increasing number of reports have emerged about the jet stream becoming unstable. Regular readers already know why that is and that it has nothing to do with human emissions. That’s not stopping the Climate Cult from emitting excessive amounts of fraud about the cause.

The Ghost of The Son of The Bride of the Wonky Jetstream

Between 1931 and 1944, we got Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, the Son of Frankenstein, The Ghost of Frankenstein, Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman, and House of Frankenstein. A name pronounced incorrectly for decades until Gene Wilder straightened us out in Mel Brooks, Young Frankenstein.

Al gore breathing fire on the earth

Gulfstreams, Hookers, and Hot Air

You can not get more bloviating and narcissistic than having John Kerry and Al Gore together at the same conference. No two people have ever had a higher opinion of themselves than these two lifetime politicians.

COVID19 Vax Vial original Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

Demand Spike for Unvaxxed Pilots From Private Jet Owners (And other COVID Vaxx News)

On Saturday, NewsWars dropped a story about an interview with Alan Dana with US Freedom Flyers, whose mission is “to promote informed consent and defend individual medical freedom through preserving citizen’s rights to work and travel without governmental obstruction.”

Jettiness – FINALLY! A personal jetpack??

I remember watching the Bell’s Rocketbelt years and years ago when I was much younger and dreamed about having one – very cool until I got older and smarter and really learned it was really expensive, the fuel was rather volatile (hydrogen peroxide) and could only fly a handful of seconds.  However, there may be a REAL one … Read more

Jettiness – record setting jet bicycle!

On May 19 of this year, Francois Gissy claimed a new land speed world record by reaching 263 km/h (163 mph) on a rocket-powered bicycle. Now the flying Frenchman has gone even faster, hitting a peak speed of 285 km/h (177 mph) in just 6.7 seconds, making it the fastest anyone has ever ridden a … Read more

Jettiness – I already asked TMEW for one…..darn!

Not quite the "normal" type of quirky jet powered stuff I put up, but it was rather interesting to watch.  I can see that this might catch on as a "rent-a-water-jetpack" for some places and some folks (training issues, though?). (H/T: Engadget ; more info here)

50 Year-Old Science Forgotten to Peddle Global Warming

NewScientist, which I take to mean they peddle the new scientism, got some help from Google the other day. They have an article about the Jetstream that was pushed to the top of the news feed. It posits the notion that your emissions broke it. The problem with the new science is that the old … Read more

snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Winter Cold Exploited to “Prove” Global Warming

Winter weather has become a harbinger of climate justice agitation. In the past, frigid snaps were exploited by eco-warriors to “prove” global warming, as climate scientists predicted colder extremes as part of global climate change. Actual science has now disproved that hackneyed assertion, so alarmists have pivoted from manipulating arctic blasts to “prove” global warming to discrediting … Read more

snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Baby, I’ts Cold Out …

Here I go again, snow blowing our driveway, shoveling steps, and clearing the car twice each. Two days in a row are more than enough, and now, to top of everything, I had to listen to some “Chicken Little” disaster-promoting forecaster telling me all this cold weather is because of “Arctic warming.”

Yosemite closed recor snowfall

Climate Warriors Send Chilling Message

Climate alarmists have long warned that extreme cold weather events are a consequence of climate change and will worsen. Weather records, however, demonstrate this is not true. It is challenging to trust absolutist claims of anthropogenic climatic warming when those making such claims display such ideological dishonesty.

Sun Solar flare original Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

The Crazy Weather isn’t Man-Made It’s the Grand Solar Minimum

The current Grand Solar Minimum is expected to last until about 2035, by which time the overall average temperature of the earth will likely have declined a few degrees. But wait, you say, Wasn’t it hot? In some spots, sure, but in others, it was cold, and the long-term averages will be lower (get into … Read more

Biden Yang Yang Yang Young Young

Apology Tour, Part Two

When Barack Obama took office in 2009, he embarked on a worldwide tour to apologize to all for the imperialistic actions of our young nation. The irony in that statement is that the United States never entered into armed conflict with any country to take territory from a foe. The other is that no other … Read more

China ballon biden

What Did We Learn From a Floating Balloon

Many of us were transfixed to our television screens, watching a 125′ balloon navigate its way across our country. Many of us were angry that our airspace had been violated and our President was too timid and compromised to shoot down a balloon that the Chinese were using to spy on our most essential military … Read more

NY Post polar vortex earht animation

Ruh-Roh – “Warming Causes Cooling” Experts Admit Warming Does Not Cause Cooling

In the early part of the last decade, the green meanies (not to be confused with the Blue ones) decided that a lack of warming (real world) should not interfere with their Climate fantasy. Someone, somewhere, decided that cooling was proof of warming.

Kilauea Alert Level Red – Major Eruption Imminent

From USGS. As of early this morning, eruption of ash from the Overlook vent within Halemaumau crater at Kilauea Volcano’s summit has generally increased in intensity. Ash has been rising nearly continuously from the vent and drifting downwind to the southwest. Ashfall and vog (volcanic air pollution) has been reported in Pahala, about 18 miles … Read more

A Complete List of Things Caused by Global Warming

This is useful and entertaining. It includes links to things that the authors have claimed are a result of Global Warming or will be caused by it. There is also a dead links list below, that includes things caused by Global warming but for which the link is no longer active–but someone made the claim in print … Read more

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)

The last one: Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes) – Granite Grok >>>>>=====<<<<< FEATURED LINKS: Leftists Live In A Mental Prison Of Their Own Making – American Thinker Related: You Hate Trump? So What? – HotAir To vote for the Democrats because one hates Trump is not merely childish. When how one feels about … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Ugh. Monday.  Again.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


And it’s Monday again.