Reminder: The Jet Stream IS Messed Up But Your “Emissions” Have Nothing to do With That

An increasing number of reports have emerged about the jet stream becoming unstable. Regular readers already know why that is and that it has nothing to do with human emissions. That’s not stopping the Climate Cult from emitting excessive amounts of fraud about the cause.

The headlines are coming, the headlines are coming. You broke the jet stream! But it is not too late! Let the government tax you into poverty to pay their friends, donors, and family to “fix it.” Oh, and we’ll be wanting your property and natural rights as well. Those are also bad for the environment.

So what’s the deal? Not with the climate Marxism, we’ve got that – what about the jet Stream?

As I said, we’ve been there and done that, but given the direction of the cult narrative, a refresher is in order,


Higher levels of solar energy stabilize the jet stream. When that energy declines during solar minimums, the jet stream gets all wonky (or wavy), allowing warm air to move north and cold air to move south in weird and exotic ways. The result is areas in proximity with dramatically different weather.

The most immediately noticeable impact is the reduction of energy entering the jet streams, which changes the jet’s usual strong and straight ZONAL flow to a weak and wavy MERIDIONAL one.

Depending on which side of the stream you’re on, this means you’re either in for a spell of anomalously cold or warm weather and/or a period of unusually dry or wet conditions:

” …the perceived climatic changes can be fully explained by cyclical ‘buckling’ of the jet streams (Zonal to Meridional), itself caused by a bout of historically low solar activity.”


You can see it with your own eyes. Solar energy is lower. The climate is reacting as predicted—no need for the Marxism or its advocates to enrich themselves.

Solar minimums have weird weather, and this is why.

I hope you took notes.


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