Baby, I’ts Cold Out …

Steve Earle

Here I go again, snow blowing our driveway, shoveling steps, and clearing the car twice each. Two days in a row are more than enough, and now, to top of everything, I had to listen to some “Chicken Little” disaster-promoting forecaster telling me all this cold weather is because of “Arctic warming.”

This supposedly is pushing the jet stream south, carrying the Arctic cold with it. I looked it up, the N. Pole is 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Something tells me Chicken Little is trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.

The funny thing is in 1895, the NY Times wrote, “Globalists think the world may be frozen again.” Glad I missed that. In 1932, Time announced, “melting polar ice to raise sea levels.” I think you’ve heard that before, right? Me too. 1958, Harpers predicted a warning of the “Coming ice age.” Warning folks, it never stops. 1975 News Week, “Mild conditions, Earth’s climate cooling down.” Welcome Al Gore, 1976, and “Global warming”, as that has been debunked, it’s become climate change (same thing rebranded) until today, too tired to get up from my recliner, Chicken Little.

I don’t think these people ever think. I’m sure they never check facts or history. If it sounds good say it, if it changes blame something else or someone else and never ever admit they were wrong.

Did you know that during the Revolutionary War, when the British occupied New City, the Hudson River was frozen so solid British soldiers could pull wheelbarrows full of wood across to heat the homes in Manhattan?

Try that today!

So look folks when you see or hear the Chicken Littles of our world telling you something do not get up from your recliner, change the channel.


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