Ladies? Want you son to grow to be a good man? Then choose his father well.

“Choose his father well.” As Grokster Susan (and my Youngest) say often: indeed.  Forget about that pop culture is now telling us – raising a son, even a normal one (with both sons being ADHD, I’ll never know what the “easier side” of raising such was like) is not easy.  Pop culture says to indulge … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker of the NH House Shawn Jasper (R) – In favor of raising the Gas Tax?

I have said for years that the primary reason why the NH Highway Fund is in such a stupid financial position is that Politicians refuse to do the right thing – let that fund do what it is supposed to fund and stop raiding it.  And, instead of constantly using taxpayers to pay for the … Read more

Schoolhouse Rock is Dead

Back in the early 1970’s, before Liberals in Hollywood and the mainstream media completely destroyed this country, we saw these little cartoon vignettes on Saturday morning television, called “Schoolhouse Rock”. Stuffed between Scooby Doo, Creature Double Feature, Batman, and The Monkeys, these shorts taught kids some basic grammar lessons (interjections, conjunctions), some basic math lessons … Read more

Democrats “Respecting An Establishment of Religion” Sun God Edition

One of the richest companies on the planet (Google) along with well heeled left-wing opportunists posing as an energy concern, wanted to build a bad idea but couldn’t get anyone else to help pay for it.  So they ask Democrats in the department of energy for money–post Solyndra etc., Democrats in California–always willing to make … Read more

Where Are Bloomberg’s ‘Moms Against Bicycle “Violence” ‘ ?

Mass shooting gun violence pales in comparison. “…the CDC bicycle-related injury report for 2010 shows that almost twice as many people died on bicycles in that one year than were killed in “mass shootings” during the 14 years studied by the FBI. Thus, while there were 418 deaths in “mass shootings” from 2000 to 2013, … Read more

Notable Quote – ‘Ol Remus

“Their next higher category from Snow Emergency is Nuclear Attack.” Long… but reposted here in its entirety: “Metropolis Remus lived in a big east coast city for a while, not near it, in it. He saw many amazing things but none more amazing than the mindless panic over a bit-o’-snow. His first experience left him … Read more

GrokTALK! March 15th 2014 – Starting a PAC and 250 Pages From the Feds

In segment Two Strafford County GOP Chair (and former state rep) Bill O’Conner joins us to talk about Saber PAC, their new radio ad on NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and the political battle space in Strafford County.  We talk ‘Free Speech,’ the 250 pages of documents you get when you try to start a PAC, … Read more

Really – have to get everyone’s permission. Way to kill a new consumer marketplace

Most of the folks that know me know I blog as an obsession.  As a techie, I have always tried to get to that next step that many bloggers couldn’t.  When many were just using text, we added pictures.  Then added audio interviews, then recorded video, and then finally livestreaming.  We continually added to our … Read more

First Concord Police Chief Duval and now black civil rights leader turned Progressive Congressman – I’m a Nazi for being a blogger?

No, Duval didn’t call me, or other “extreme right-wing” bloggers” a Nazi – but Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) did. Duval called out several groups in his application for a replacement armored tank (a new Lenco Bearcat) like Occupy NH, Sovereign Citizens, and Free Staters (and probably TEA Party and Second Amendment supporters went through his … Read more

Naval Aviation History – first carrier landing of an X-47B UAV

Almost anyone can fly a plane off a runway – the skill set for a small General Aviation plane like a Cessna 152 is rather small.  Believe it or not, ANY one can land a plane – gravity and physics stand ready to help the plane meet the ground.  It is far harder, however, to … Read more

But can you get a Bachelor’s in both kinds of stupid?

              Following in the footsteps of Steve’s great post, I thought I ought to mention (if you hadn’t already heard) there is a student- advocacy organization at UNH called the Student Environmental Action Coalition pressing the university to divest itself from ‘oil and other fossil fuel’ companies.   Mimicking other non-reality-based … Read more

It Isn’t Getting Easier Being Green

I can’t recall how many leaders in the Republican’s War on Women have called on their misogynist foot soldiers to burn down Sandra Fluke’s house (or any of her defenders) for demanding we pay for her contraception; probably because there is no war from the Right, but even if there were, no one on the … Read more

The One You Feed

“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, & ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, & truth.”

Taking All The ‘Air’ Out Of “Fair”

The Nashua Telegraph spent most of the election season giving up huge chunks of their Sunday commentary page to the mouth-pieces of special interests promoting left wing causes like health care deform, so why stop now that the election has passed?  This week we get the implausible assumptions of Cathy Silber, the coordinator of the … Read more

Live Blogging! – An event concerning the 10th Amendment in Hollis tonite

The ‘Grok will be at the  Lawrence Barn in Hollis, NH (28 Depot Street) for an event where Jack Kimball for NH Governor will be hosting Michael Boldin (the Founder of the Tenth Amendment Center) will be speaking concerning this: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it … Read more

Liberal-Islamist Alliance

.. Presently, fanatical Islamists are lashing out with mad fury before their own final demise. The “infidel” world has been complicit in the surge of Islamism through its mistakes, complacency, and greed. Our academia leftists even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits them. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for … Read more

Meet the New Press airs Saturday at 11AM EST.

. Once again, this week’s broadcast version of the New Media brings an array of items and guests for your consideration. As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen … Read more

Grok ‘n Roll: Some really good new music

My rather extensive music collection tends to contain somewhat older material as a rule. I have oft said that most newer bands and musicians lack a certain "something" that older ones posses. Who can stack up against the likes of Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Ted Nugent, Blue Oyster Cult, ZZ Top, AC DC, Zep, … Read more