Demand Spike for Unvaxxed Pilots From Private Jet Owners (And other COVID Vaxx News)

On Saturday, NewsWars dropped a story about an interview with Alan Dana with US Freedom Flyers, whose mission is “to promote informed consent and defend individual medical freedom through preserving citizen’s rights to work and travel without governmental obstruction.”

Related: Did a Record Number of Vaccinated Airline Pilots Drop Dead in 2021?

The group has been “getting calls now from wealthy businessmen and companies to fly their executives around on business jets with unvaccinated crew.”


“They get the luxury of being able to choose, because there are still a large amount of crew available in the United States who are not vaccinated because the companies they work for didn’t mandate it.”

“These wealthy businessmen are requiring unvaccinated crew on their business trips,” Dana added. “Passengers on an airline who bought a ticket don’t have that luxury.”


If you were looking for another safety signal in the noise, that one seems rather loud. I’m also wondering if the Jet-setting, WEF (ish) jab-them-all crowd is flying air-mRNA in their Jet Streams or are their pilots’ pure bloods’?


Highly vaccinated and boosted, Japan is suffering from a surge in deaths.


Japanese over-65s have done their best to reduce Japan’s 612-million-dose stockpile of mRNA jabs, with third, fourth and fifth jab rates of 91%, 82.5%, and 56%, respectively. But unfortunately, Japan has started 2023 by reporting its highest ever daily Covid death tolls. During the booster era starting in early 2022, each wave has been noticeably higher than the last.

And what do the experts have to say? “The cause of the rise in Covid deaths is hard to explain.” And, “There’s a lot we don’t know, and we don’t have evidence.”

Among these heavily dosed and deceased, “The direct cause of death is often heart failure or kidney disease, and he said that “thorough analysis is needed.”

You’d best get right on that, then.


New York State Health Care Workers Score a Yuge Win in Court! (Emphasis Mine.)


In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.


One More: The Last Refuge got a massive response to a request for comments on why readers did not get the vaccine. You can surf the thousands of them here, but I wanted to share part of just one.


[I]nstead of adding my own story to the thread, which would only echo hundreds of others, I’ve been reading through the entries, looking for a pattern. Allowing that the Treehouse community isn’t a random sample, older and more politically conservative than average, I looked to see if thousands of testimonies might reveal something about the resistant personality.

I would divide the respondents into two groups. The first group didn’t want the vaccine because it was linked to abortion or because they were opposed to all vaccines. Even if the vaccine had been safe and effective, they would never have taken it. People in the second group had been generally open to vaccination. Yet in this case, they did not go along. What made them back away in this one instance and resist in the face of strong social pressure?

The theme that runs through the responses is that the resistant sensed something was wrong early on, a gut feeling, a ‘spidy-sense.’ The resistant would thus seem to be ‘N” types, high in intuition. Unlike people who accepted the advice of authority figures, instinct caused them to look into the matter more deeply, to compare various medical opinions, evidence of all types. This indicates that intellectual curiosity and resistance to authority, i.e. high creativity, is a second commonality.

The third hurdle was that the non-jabbed resisted emotional blackmail, the threat that they would disappoint a spouse, be banned from seeing grandchildren, or lose friends. The resistant are thus thinkers rather than feelers. A fourth commonality was courage; some people were willing to risk security, to lose a high paying job, to forfeit a career, to postpone college; others caved at that point. The resistant are more likely to be risk-takers, which again correlates with high creativity.


I’m not sure I’d agree with all of it, but not being an anti-vaxxer, I’d agree that resistance to emotional blackmail hit the nail on the head.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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