Breaking News: Dianne Feinstein Has Died – Gov Nuisance to Appoint Her Replacement

Another aging and in ill-health US Senator for Life, Dianne Feinstein, has died at the age of 90. DiFi, who will be remembered for working diligently to rob people of their right to self-defense and for having a Chinese spy as a driver, passed away from an undeclared cause of death.

Old age, probably.


The California Senator stepped down from her perch atop the powerful Judiciary Committee due to poor health and political pressure after bouts with illness had prevented her from reporting to work, most notably for three months in 2022, and reports of her diminished capacity, including her inability to remember her colleague’s names.


DiFi’s health deteriorated quickly, but they continued to wheel her about to protect the Democrat’s slim majority in the US Senate—Something we like to call elder abuse. Her replacement is expected to vote just like she did, so it’ll be like she’s still there.

Gov Gavin Nuisance is expected to appoint an interim replacement quickly.


(Sept 11, 2023) California Gov. Gavin Newsom confirmed on Sunday that he is prepared to appoint an “interim” replacement for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., if she leaves office early. Newsom made the statement during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. The ailing Feinstein has confirmed that she will not run for re-election in 2024, but speculation about her health has raised questions about whether she will remain in office until her current term ends.

Newsom says he will not pick any of the current candidates running to replace her as the interim appointee, however, much to the chagrin of Rep. Barbara Lee, who had been widely considered Newsom’s top pick for the role.


Barbra Lee is pissed, by the way, which seems par for the course.


Newsom pledged earlier in his tenure that his next interim appointment to the Senate would be a black woman. Lee fits the bill, but she has now been disqualified thanks to the governor’s pledge not to pick a current candidate for Feinstein’s seat. …

“I am troubled by the Governor’s remarks,” she wrote. “The idea that a Black woman should be appointed only as a caretaker to simply check a box is insulting to countless Black women across this country who have carried the Democratic Party to victory election after election.”


Boo Hoo.

Newsom is (actually) right about something for once. If he appoints a candidate, they’ll get an immediate advantage, which wouldn’t be fair.

Win your primary, and the job is yours, not that it’ll make any difference. Can you imagine Shifty Schiff or Barbra Lee in the US Senate for the rest of their life?

California deserves better, but they lack the votes or will to do so.

I wonder if all that earthquake “slipping into the sea” business was metaphorical. The urbanized coast has certainly slipped off a ledge into the progressive bilge in recent years, perhaps never to return. Not if they keep electing Democrats.



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