A List of NH Democrats Beggin’ DC Dems to Take Over Your Local Elections!

If you had any doubts about the true allegiance of NH Democrats, it is to Washington DC. They want all the money, power, influence, and now your elections to be run from inside the Beltway.

Michael Graham, writing at NH Journal, has a great piece about that, including a list of “local” Dems (as if there’s any such thing) who are begging Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-Washington DC) to do whatever it takes to pass Federal control of local elections.

You’ll recognize a least a few of the names.

  • Cindy Rosenwald New Hampshire Senator
  • Rebecca Perkins Kwoka New Hampshire Senator
  • David Watters New Hampshire Senator
  • David E. Cote New Hampshire House Deputy Minority Leader
  • Richard Abel New Hampshire Representative 
  • Gerri Cannon New Hampshire Representative 
  • Tony Caplan New Hampshire Representative 
  • Renny Cushing New Hampshire House Minority Leader
  • Sherry Dutzy New Hampshire Representative 
  • Daniel Eaton New Hampshire Representative 
  • Sherry Frost New Hampshire Representative 
  • Chuck Grassie New Hampshire Representative 
  • Marjorie A. Porter New Hampshire Representative
  • David Luneau New Hampshire Representative 
  • Chris McAleer New Hampshire Representative 
  • Russell Muirhead New Hampshire Representative 
  • Ellen Read New Hampshire Representative 
  • Ivy Vann New Hampshire Representative

Cindy Rosenwald, the first name on the list, has allowed out-of-state activists to use her home address to vote in New Hampshire on numerous occasions, so she might not be the best advocate for “voting rights” unless that means the right to vote where Democrats say so that Democrats are more likely to win.

That’s why they want the Feds to set the rules and enforce the laws over your local elections. A job for which they are not the least bit qualified.

Democrat David ‘Rising’ Watters is reported to have suggested that the same people will be running your local elections but had to admit, they’d be following federal laws, not local ones. Does that matter? You betcha. Locals won’t have the power of influence to address issues that might normally be handled locally—no changing anything in your town or county, or state. No point in even asking. They can’t help you.

You’ll need to get someone’s attention down in DC.

I’m sure they’ve got some nice form letters ready for the printer should that garbage pass.


Dear name of constituent.

Thank you for your concern about (such and such) election law. As your representative to Congress, I have worked diligently to ensure fair and equitable elections.

And yes, I will continue to say things like that while ignoring any of your points or concerns. Why? Because I’m in DC, and if I visit New Hampshire, it will be for closed partisan events or invitation-only fundraisers marketed by the media as roundtables, town halls, etc.

But thank you for thinking I am in congress to represent you. I am, in fact, the Democrat Party DC ambassador to your congressional district, and we’re quite certain you have no clue what you want or need.

That’s why after HR1/S1 passes unelected commissions in the Federal government will be redrawing your congressional districts as needed instead of your state legislature.

And no need to vote in 2022; I’ve already won. That’s what we meant by voting rights.


Best Regards,


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