Parental Authority Is a Well-Established and Necessary Part of Civilized Society

Honorable Committee Members, My name is John Cawthron. I live in Nashua, NH. I am writing you today asking that you oppose HB 1126. As a parent of two young men, who has devoted his life and efforts to keep a roof over their heads, food on our table, and to teach them the values of family, honesty, hard work, and integrity, I am appalled that this committee is even considering such a bill.

Parental authority is a well-established and necessary part of any civilized society. This bill tramples that concept and is an insane attempt to subvert such authority in favor of allowing children to make unalterable life choices that they do not have the maturity or capacity to understand.

You have to be 18 years old to get a tattoo without parental consent in our great state. You have to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes and 21 years old to drink alcohol. You have to be 18 years old to vote or join the military in our great nation. Children are not allowed to make life choices, and rightfully so. Society relies on the parental/child relationship to do so.

This bill would allow CHILDREN to be coerced by their peers or school staff into taking gene-altering mRNA shots, of which the long-term effects are UNKNOWN, the short-term effects are well known and deadly. It would allow 16-year-old minors to make LIFE-altering medical decisions without involving their parents. This is madness.

We want to thank John Cawthron for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to

If children are allowed to make these decisions and are irrevocably harmed, is that when you’ll say that “It’s the parent’s responsibility to care for them”? Or does the state take responsibility at that point?

The shot givers will obviously say the shot is safe or have my child sign a form exonerating them from liability. If my child is allowed to enter into such contracts, verbal or written at 16 years old, where does this end?

If my child is injured or killed by the shot, do I sue the school district, the town or city where the shot took place, the people giving the shot, the principal of the school, the nurse, the Board of Health for allowing it or all of them?

This bill is nothing more than an ill-conceived and derisive attempt at increasing the number of people who have taken the mRNA gene therapy shots. It is unnecessary as any actual vaccine schedule would be discussed between the parent(s) and the child’s pediatrician.

If any of you are/were parents, you would know that.

If passed, this bill will harm the children of New Hampshire. I ask that you do not support this bill.

Editor: This is Mr Cawthron’s written testimony to the committee, which is meeting today to consider HB1126 – permitting minors over the age of 16 to obtain a vaccination without parental consent. It has been lightly edited.

Sponsors: (Prime) Amanda Bouldin (D)Marsh (D)Bartlett (d)Shurtleff (d)Knirk (D)Grassie (D)Cannon (D)Chretien (D)Hamer (D)Pantelakos (D)Sherman (D)Watters (D)Donna Soucy (D)Rosenwald (D)

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