You Need To Admire And Respect The “Campus Protests”

The most important takeaway from the “campus protests”? That colleges are radicalizing, versus educating, young adults? NO, NO, NO. Anybody paying the slightest bit of attention already knew that colleges have been indoctrinating Woke-Communism for, not years, but decades. That’s yesterday’s news as in last century’s news.

No, the most important takeaway is how organized the Left is and how fractured and disorganized the supposed “Right” is in America versus the Left. The “Right’s” idea of “organizing” is setting up a Facebook page that consists mostly of complaining and “woe is us.” The Left, in contrast, in the blink of an eye can manifest “protests” throughout America.

And this lack of organization on the “Right” has devastating consequences. It is unarguable that the 2020 election was stolen … and stolen as in not just from Trump, but more importantly from the voters who voted for Trump. The steal succeeded because the “Right” was caught completely flatfooted whereas the Left was not.

The “Left”, with the unwitting or perhaps witting help of UniParty-GOP-quislings, had a plan to normalize the rigging of the 2020 election and carried it out flawlessly. Pointing out obvious problems with the way the 2020 election was conducted (as but one example, the many last-minute unlawful changes to voting practices in swing-States) made you an “election denier”; any protesting made you an “insurrectionist,”  etc., etc., etc..

The “campus protests” are just a small taste of what is in store not if, but when, the 2024 election is also stolen. The Left will burn America to the ground to keep power … in the blink-of-an-eye BLM, Antifa, the “college protesters,” etc., etc., etc. will be unleashed on any legitimate organic protests of the sham election. And the resulting mayhem and chaos and destruction will, of course, be blamed by the Regime-media on Trump and his supporters, on the rationale that they caused it by refusing to accept that Biden won the election, justifying intervention by the FBI and other “law enforcement” against any legitimate organic protests of the sham election.

That, my dear bitter-clingers, is the most important takeaway from the campus protests. So while you may not like … indeed may despise … the message/goals of the “campus protests,” you need to admire and respect the Left’s ability to manifest them.



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