If only…

someone else on the campus had a gun. Maybe the number wouldn’t have been so high. May God help the families and students in their hour of grief. . + + + + +

Free speech replaced with forced speech at URI?

As we get ready to send child number one off to college, I wonder whether she will be checking her First Amendment rights at the door. The University of Rhode Island (URI) student newspaper, The Good 5 Cent Cigar, reports on a recent "ruling" by that school’s student senate. The issue involves "free speech", or the lack … Read more

Radio Day here at the ‘Grok

Today! Live! From the Blogosphere to the airwaves…1490AM WEMJ… 2-4PM… The gang from Granitegrok.com joins Pat Hynes of AnkleBitingPundits for another broadcast of Meet the New Press . We have a special guest for the entire second hour of the broadcast. Paul Sand has agreed to join us in studio this afternoon to discuss spam, MLK … Read more

The American Soldier. Veterans Day

As the world becomes a smaller and more dangerous place, and war has appeared on our soil, it might seem that things have never been worse. As war in Iraq looms on the horizon, and the shrill shouts and slogans of the micro-minority “peaceniks” fill the TV screens of the nightly news, it does one … Read more

Gaffney on the real “state of denial”

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is one of my "go-to" people on national security matters and its relation to the new world war. With the mess the media (and the Republicans themselves) have made for the Republicans in the upcoming election thanks to the Foley/ page affair (no pun intended), stirred with the addition of the latest … Read more

“Muhammad Atta is Laughing in Hell

Here we go again…not able to track those we should!  FBI Warns Law Enforcement to Look Out for 11 Missing Egyptian Exchange Students Monday , August 07, 2006 The FBI alerted state and local authorities Monday to be on the lookout for 11 Egyptian exchange students who arrived in the U.S. last month but never … Read more

“Quiet, Religious Men”

Back in March, I wrote in my Daily Sun column, “What if, while patiently waiting and planning the next big “hit,” our enemy was able to unleash small, individual attacks randomly throughout the US? Is it possible that the radical Islamo-fascists could unleash such attacks with virtually no coordination or planning, meaning no direct contact or communication … Read more

Lost, Never Forgotten

With Memorial Day upon us, it seems a fitting time to share some thoughts and reflections regarding a recent trip with my children to Washington, D.C. One of the sites we visited was the newly-dedicated World War II memorial. It was nothing less than breathtaking. The strength and might and heroism that was the “greatest … Read more