Who is Bari Weiss

Who is Bari Weiss?

Who is Bari Weiss? And why should you care? Leftists thrive on the facade of lies. They make everyone subscribe to them. They require a belief that there is no absolute truth. Everyone knows that absolute truth exists. We should all reject leftist ideology, but we don’t.

RFK Jr - Screen Grab Milan Speech 2

Night Cap: Kennedy’s ‘Giant Sucking Sound’ Threatens Biden

Harrowing predictions of national political division for 2024 have heightened as polls show Joe Biden’s approval ratings plummet. Haters of Donald Trump are froth-mouthed over his clear and growing lead, notwithstanding a pull-out-all-ethical-stops legal and propaganda campaign by Democrats to discredit him and even knock him out of the race.

Critical Race Theory

The Case Against Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a divisive and discriminatory discipline that is overwhelming school systems across the country.i It incorporates race as a central theme for every academic subject starting as young as kindergarten.

Was The Times Error Tolerance or Intolerance?

Was The Times Error Tolerance or Intolerance?

The New York Times failed to anticipate the election of President Donald Trump in 2016. It sought to correct its error of judgment by facilitating non-leftist opinions. Those of centrists, conservatives, and others rarely appear on the Times’ editorial page.

Jodi Shaw

“Stop Reducing my Personhood to a Racial Category.”

An employee at an exclusive Massachusetts college has resigned after declining to play along with the Critical Race Theory theatrics. One of “which frames any reluctance or discomfort at these discussions as a white power play to escape accountability.” The CRT term for this is white fragility.

Tyranny Looms If We Do Not Respond.

Tyranny Looms If We Do Not Respond

We should understand tyranny looms if we do not respond. Ms. Bari says editors live in fear of offending this orthodoxy. Writers are careful lest they ruin their careers. The Times plays it so safe in accepting op-eds Twitter has become the “ultimate editor.”