Near Anniversary of Evergreen Riots School Announces Massive Budget Cuts

About a year ago Evergreen State College Students got pissed off when w white professor refused to get off campus on No White People Day. What followed was months of blogging material, a national audience witnessing the violent intolerance of the “Inclusive” Excellence, equity, and social justice cabal, and (predictably) plummeting enrollment at the school. According to … Read more

Evergreen Headline – always seems that with a Republican President…

… we see headlines like this: Report: Numbers of homeless people in NH on the rise Put in your own State or city name for “NH” and it will fit.  I wonder when we’ll start seeing the anti-war / peace protesters coming out of the woodwork?  I know in Laconia, the peaceniks that were downtown … Read more

Oberlin Follows Mizzou and Evergreen – Enrollment Drops, Financial Woes

Oberlin College is at the forefront of social justice outrage hoaxes but until recently had not reported any real-world consequences. See what I did there? Real world? Mizzou went full-stupid with their fake outrage which cost them, and cost them and cost them, and then cost them some more. Evergreen took it to another level, and now they … Read more

White student wins vindication at Evergreen State College

Contributor: Kevin Kervick A white student at Evergreen State College filed a bias report against the university after he was asked to change his seat because he is white. The bias investigator recently ruled that his case had merit. This is a victory for common sense. Follow Kevin on YouTube

FB Doodlings – Evergreen Clause, public unions, educational quality

A while ago, ‘Grok’s friend NH State Representative George Lambert started a thread discussing NH SB1 which would repeal to the Evergreen Clause (now passed).  Simply put, Evergreen meant that all union contracts compensation agreements would remain in force if the two parties could not agree on a new contract.   I jumped in after seeing … Read more

Evergreen hits home

That would be the law and not one of the pine trees that overlook the Home.  NH has an Evergreen law that basically says "Contract with union employees NEVER runs out"; it stays in force until a new one is negotiated and signed.  In these tough times, I’m betting that more than a few unions … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  Also, don’t forget to chip in a little to the Grok, as you can.  Steve is doing yeoman’s work on this … Read more

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – Week of 5/22/23

Frankly, I’ve slowed down on reporting NH Gov. Chris Sununu’s polling number from RealClearPolitics (the gold standard as they aggregate several vetted polling companies from both the Right and the Left to “even out the bias”).  Why?

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – Week of 5/1/23

Well, Chris Sununu had some good news in the RealClearPolitics polling – his polling doubled!  But as in all things, context is absolutely necessary. It’s like the Greenies when they boast that the amount of electricity from Renewables has doubled.

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – week of 4/2/23

Once again, I take great delight to remind you all of NH Governor Chris Sununu’s own words about running for President: Hangover: An “Evergreen” statement by Sununu himself on low-rated wannabes: Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field. “I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates … Read more

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – week of 4/13/23

It is time to formalize the previously informal series on behalf of NH Governor Chris Sununu to keep himself from making a total fool of himself, and yes, he can drive further down that road – plenty of asphalt in front of him. Remember, it’s not deliberate sarcasm on my part.