Steve Negron Announces Conservative Endorsements Across NH-02

steve-negron-Image Credit - WMUR
Steve Negron-Image Credit – WMUR

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     January 11, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins                , 603-703-9181

Steve Negron Announces Conservative Endorsements Across NH-02

Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, released some significant conservative endorsements for his campaign this week.

NHCMP Endorsement:
“New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project (NHCMP) is proudly endorsing Steve Negron in the NH-02 Republican Primary to take on and defeat tax-and-spend liberal Congresswoman Anne Kuster.

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GrokWatch: what’s going on with Northwood’s School Board?

Northwood logo
As a concerned taxpayer and 16 year resident of Northwood, the bus crisis has been a topic of concern.  Searching for more information, I submitted an RTN request. The SAU office and the documents I received were astonishing.  The Northwood bus crisis was self-inflicted, courtesy of the Northwood school board and superintendent Gadomski. We ended up in crisis because our bus company, Northwood Transportation, could no longer afford to service our community despite still having a year left on a 3-year contract.

August 2016 found NT short a driver and a bus run, which caused NT a loss of $43,000.  NT told the board and superintendent Gadomski this was a financial burden on NT as the company had fixed expenses.  The NT busing contract included a mid-day kindergarten run. When the board voted to implement all-day kindergarten (going against the voters of Northwood who voted against it four years in a row), it omitted the midday-run. NT submitted their letter ceasing service to Northwood School district the next day on April 21, 2017, citing the loss of the midday-run as the reason.

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Learning, Teaching, Funding, and Education

schools2 (1) NY PostBy Rep. Dave Testerman

In New Hampshire, most public school funding originates in the pocketbook of local taxpayers and most of us hope we elect a local school board that watches out not only for the students but also the taxpayer. It doesn’t always work out, but we have had some very good board members in Franklin.

A much larger problem has occurred at the State Board of Education level. Unfortunately, our state has appointed State School Board members for 18 of the last 20 years that loved regulations and micromanaging our public schools.

With backing by the NH School Boards Association and the School Administrators Association, the pressure on local schools and Superintendents has been to simply comply with whatever the DoE and the State Board said…or else. Frankly, it hasn’t been working. So what has been the effect on school funding?

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White student wins vindication at Evergreen State College

Contributor: Kevin Kervick A white student at Evergreen State College filed a bias report against the university after he was asked to change his seat because he is white. The bias investigator recently ruled that his case had merit. This is a victory for common sense. Follow Kevin on YouTube

First Do No Harm – An Open Letter to a Pro-Abortion Doctor

An open letter to Dr. Oglesby Young, OB-GYN, 189 North Main Street, Concord, NH and the NH Democratic Party.

Dear Dr. Young,

I have verified by a call to your office that you, Dr. Oglesby Young OB-GYN, are a real doctor who practices out of Concord NH. Your receptionist confirmed to me that you wrote this letter which was sent to some voters in NH. I am not sure how we were chosen, but I was one of the recipients.

I was shocked and appalled to learn that a practicing Concord OB-GYN, had professed his disfavor of a pro-life candidate for US Senate by way of this mailing that was apparently paid for by the NH Democratic Party.

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Dear Transgendered People,

gender-neutral-restroom - sm042316
Dear Transgenders – It’s not about you…

Guest Post | Kathy Dunton


Dear Transgendered People,

There’s a letter header I never thought I’d be writing. Can we please have a conversation about this bathroom-bill stuff?

As a woman who was born female, and has always felt like a female, I know that I cannot possibly understand your life. At the same time, I really feel like the intention of recent legislation is being hijacked and distorted. Having read many of the House Bills passed through legislation, I don’t see them as the discrimination bills that they are being played out as in the media. I see them as protection bills for the general public, especially our most vulnerable.

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Censorship Effort in New Hampshire

“Cop corrects liberal snitch who reported her political opponents (Concord, NH)”

GrokWatch News Desk | Submitted by Dave Ridley

What is probably one of New Hampshire’s top five most popular YouTube vids (above) faces attempted suppression. My million-hit clip shows a pro-Medicare-expansion activist on a public Concord sidewalk, reporting her political opponents to police because they “have signs here” and “aren’t with us.”  I’ve just received an e-mail, apparently from YouTube, which claims that someone has complained to them asking the vid be taken down.  I have declined to do so.  Presumably Google administrators will make the final decision whether to suppress it.

If you’re a supporter of press freedom in New Hampshire, please take one of the following actions: 

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Guest Post – 100% GUARANTEED Predictions

Ted Cruz and Dennis Hamel
Ted Cruz and Dennis Hamel

Dennis Hamel | GrokWatch News Desk

I’ve been hinting around about this for several days now and I’m ready to COMMIT my 100% GUARANTEED predictions on how the GOP primaries will unfold from this time forward.

Note for the record, I am making these predictions (promises really) of what will happen all 100% ABSOLUTELY guaranteed and I am doing that during the last week of March (first edit done March 25th 2015) – well before polling comes in from the NEXT set of primaries.

These are NOT just idle thoughts.

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After 200 years, the Crown would Feel at Home Here Again


by Charles G. Douglas, III 

Where Do You Go To Challenge Illegal Government Decisions When The Courts Close You Out?

China and Russia have an approach to government responsibility that places the powers of government above and over the people.  Our system is the reverse.  Our 1784 Bill of Rights in Part I, Article 8 clearly says the following:

All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.

Unfortunately, that right of accountability has been denied time and time again in recent years by court decisions making government less and less accountable to our individual citizens by closing the courthouses to taxpayers.

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The Stigma is Not the Problem

Peter Lemiska | Editorial


In one of the most shocking developments ever seen in New Hampshire, quiet little communities are being shattered with scores of untimely, needless deaths. They weren’t caused by mass murderers, gun violence, or some plague – at least not a plague in the medical sense.

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Is Gov. Hassan Afraid To Answer The Question?

maggie hassan

Max Ledoux | GrokWatch News Desk

I’ve been trying to get Maggie Hassan’s office to say whether or not she’s seen undercover videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress. The videos—both the edited versions and the full, unedited footage—have been available online since mid-July. They show top-level Planned Parenthood doctors and administrators haggling over the price of baby parts. The most recent videos reveal that Planned Parenthood delivers intact baby cadavers to StemExpress, a research company. In one video, a former StemExpress employee describes witnessing a baby born alive, then vivisected. I believe this is a topic that is of interest to many New Hampshire citizens.

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“I was more than a little surprised at the tabloid style used by the Villager on July 31st”

Dennis Hamel | GrokWatch News Desk

Preface: Steve Forster had a letter delivered to the Henniker Selectman regarding legal use of his property. The town fish-wrap wrote a front page story in response. Our good Friend Dennis Hamel has written in regard to the Villager’s article. (It will not yet have run in that paper, if they run it at all.) -Steve M.

To the editor:

I was more than a little surprised at the tabloid style used by the Villager on July 31st.

Last week’s front-page story about Forster’s Christmas Tree Farm bordered on hysteria. When a private citizen and taxpayer is openly harassed by a neighbor (in collusion with a part-time town employee who has delusions of grandeur), how did the Villager come to the conclusion that a simple notice to the Board of Selectmen was “DEFYING the town”?

As I understand it, the letter to the selectmen was simply to state that use of private property in ways NOT prohibited by law can and will take place. This is clearly part of American life.

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What is wrong with NH’s Governor?

maggie hassan

Lisa Brady, M.Ed. | GrokWatch News Desk

Still Waiting for Justice!


Dear Governor Hassan,

I am looking forward to a response from you with regard to the following matter that I am also sending to the press:

The New Hampshire NEA (teachers’ union) has gone on record, publicly supporting you and has referred to you as a ‘tireless advocate for New Hampshire school children.’ If that were true, then why would you allow a video that exploits a non-verbal autistic student, in the state of New Hampshire, to continue to be sold for profit at the NH Institute on Disability? I am left with the impression that you may be ignoring the violations because the New Hampshire Department of Education and the NEA are considered major funders of the video? After all, you have and continue to benefit from the NEA’s political support.

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Kathy Dunton | GrokWatch News Desk


I am sure to tick off many of my fellow conservatives with this one, but here it goes…

It was very exciting a couple of weeks ago to hear him say pretty much what every American is thinking. But now, as they say, he is sucking out all the oxygen. I DO like that he is pissing off the establishment, but this thing with McCain is getting as old as McCain’s time in the Senate.

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NHGOP E-Board Condemns Planned Parenthood In Resolution

Here’s a PDF of the resolution proposed before the Executive Board of the New Hampshire State Republican Committee. It passed unanimously. (Just posting the document for now. We’ll provide our thoughts about the content soon.) [su_document url=”” width=”540″ height=”700″]

Rep. Victoria Sullivan – HB332 Veto Response

For Immediate Release.

(June 26, 2015) In response to Governor Maggie Hassan’s veto of HB332, State Representative Victoria Sullivan (R, Manchester), sponsor of the legislation, released the following statement: .

“I am truly disappointed in Governor Hassan’s decision to veto HB332 today. The intention of this common sense legislation was to give parents ample notification of certain subject material, specifically material relating to human sexuality, prior to its teaching in our schools. Parents should be allowed the opportunity to have important discussions on sensitive topics with their children prior them learning about it in the classroom. “There have been very public local incidents where New Hampshire parents would have preferred to have handled particular subject matters in a different manner than an educator did. In these instances, parents found out after the lesson has already been taught, which made for a very difficult and confusing situation for the children involved.

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How We got To The Henniker Eminent Domain Lawsuit – Let’s Look At The “Instant Replay”

depot hill storage tankKathleen LaBonte-LoFaro | GrokWatch News Desk

Should anyone be interested in knowing how unfairly Lorin was treated by the Henniker’s Cogswell Spring Water Works Department regarding the Depot Hill Storage tank, I’ve attached links to meeting Minutes that you might find interesting, and might feel as disappointed and disgusted as I. We can do better than this, and we must.

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