Near Anniversary of Evergreen Riots School Announces Massive Budget Cuts

evergreen-wide-tree-no-city-greenAbout a year ago Evergreen State College Students got pissed off when w white professor refused to get off campus on No White People Day. What followed was months of blogging material, a national audience witnessing the violent intolerance of the “Inclusive” Excellence, equity, and social justice cabal, and (predictably) plummeting enrollment at the school.

According to a report released by an “Independent External Review Panel” in April, the college is expecting a decline in applications for the Fall 2018 semester of up to 20 percent, compounding the 4.5 percent decrease in Fall 2017, compared to Fall 2016.

“Further declines in applications (possibly by as much as 20%) and enrollments are expected for the Fall of 2018 based on current year-to-year data,” the report noted. “This condition, and the revenue shortfall it will create, will present Evergreen with significant financial challenges that will not be short-lived.”

You’ll be happy to note that the students have learned so much from their previous experience that they are holding another “Day of Absence” (No White’s Allowed) but this time it’s three days that started yesterday and runs through Friday. Day, days, whatever.

Students at the Olympia, Washington-based public school have organized a three-day “Day of Absence” observance that includes a mix of events on and off campus. Some gatherings are advertised as open to all skin colors and others ask that only POC, or People of Color, attend.

A poster hung at the school obtained by The College Fix declares that the no-whites-allowed self-segregation events will be held off campus. It asks people to RSVP at a website that spells out “No Nazis Allowed” in its URL.

The Administration is distancing itself and probably crossing everything that can be crossed in the hope that there are no incidents of any kind worth reporting.

Having the POC only events off campus will help, but there is still the matter of an entire socially engineered culture demanding equity or uniformity of outcome in everything that openly celebrates discrimination while self-segregating itself.

If it’s intolerant, racist, and bigoted when white people do it should progressives (Democrats) oppose it?

Maybe someone should ask them while they are campaigning why they don’t or won’t or when we can expect them to start speaking out publicly against it.

As for Evergreen’s Enrollment Problem, they have plenty of company, even right here in New Hampshire.

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