Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – Bonus Edition

by Skip

Yeah, my plan is to save this kind of information for Monday’s but Conservative Treehouse just mentioned this CBS/YouGov poll and it had two surprising data elements to it.

It seems that political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy has impressed enough people that by Chris Sununu’s 5% polling measurement threshold hold, he’ll make it onto the debate stage:


CBS-YouGov 2024 Prez Poll April 27-29

(click to embiggen)


As always, Sununu’s own words about setting THE threshold in making it to the debate stage:

Hangover: An “Evergreen” statement by Sununu himself on low-rated wannabes:

Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

While Ramaswamy is not Top Tier yet (that would be Trump and DeSantis), he has now launched himself into Tier 2 territory with Pence and Haley. No small feat in my eyes this fast and for being an unknown.  Given his schedule and outworking everyone else in the field to get there, he’s also willing to take on the Progressives on their own platforms. (And helped to knock out Don Lemon, The Self-Righteous Pontificator, in the process). But is almost pitch-perfect with what he is campaigning on.

If you look at the actual poll, “Fights for people like me” is a top item at 94%, and the majority of “likely GOP Primary Voters” are just shy of being the majority in this poll at 49% (with 24% only Trump and 27% NOT considering Trump).

I have to admit, I’m watching Ramaswamy closely (as if you couldn’t tell). No, I’ve not picked a candidate yet as I haven’t heard them all yet; I am that prototypical NH voter that has to look them in the eyes a few times.

So that’s the first data element. The second one?

Chris Sununu wasn’t polled. At all.  Zippo, Nada, Nein, Nothing.  Not even a mention. Zero % (or a DNF  – Did Not Finish if you prefer).  Not helpful in reaching 5%.


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