BlogLine of the Day – this is how screwed up the Democrat Party’s ideology is

“I see a party saving minnows in California and killing babies in New York. Are you kidding me? Now, where is the common sense? Ayup – a party that values fish over humans with unlimited potential. Add Rhode Island and Virginia to New York as well. Sorry, but these kinds of depraved “Values” that allow … Read more

Our Constitution is the articulation of a set of values

America was the freest nation on the earth. She became a fascist nation and is now on its way to becoming a socialist nation. Some argue we have not lost our representative government. It is my fear that we soon will if we do not change. Our government is becoming large enough and powerful enough … Read more

“I’m so angry that he put us in this situation. I’m in no mood to help him right now.”

Chris SununuThat from an ally over NH Gov. Chris Sununu signing HB1319, the latest Bathroom Bill (aka “today I feel like a women even without the lady bits so I’m going into the ladies room”) and HB587 (gotta let gays be gays and no talking them out of it) which is a sop to the gay lobby and is an affront to both the First Amendment and NH’s Constitution in the matter of denying free speech and free conscious. I wrote this at the time:

So Governor Chris Sununu just told his Conservative and Faith-Based base to buzz off. You just told those that brung you to the dance that you’re in love with another. OK, buzz off we shall – like a buzzsaw. You asked we’ll deliver.

So how do I tell him and NH State Rep Mindi Messmer apart, who is running for US Congress with pretty much the same message

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“Athletic Performance” and “Longevity” are “Western values” Based on Elite White Bias

I want to be a feminist when I grow upTwo Feminist health “experts” included a chapter in their new book in which they mull “mainstream nutrition science” and how it “rests upon elite, white, and educated modes of thinking, and that the values mainstream nutrition promotes are “Western values.” “

No, they aren’t happy about that.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t feminism and therefore feminist health a white elite western value?

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Why are Fathers important?

broken-families-cultural-problem-2Let me add to Mike’s “Happy Fathers Day” with this from Instapundit (reformatted, emphasis mine):

VIRGINIA ALLEN: The Importance of Dads in an Increasingly Fatherless America.

There is a “father absence crisis in America,” according to National Fatherhood Initiative, and the results are sobering. Studies have found that children raised without a father are:

  • At a higher risk of having behavioral problems.
  • Four times more likely to live in poverty.
  • More likely to be incarcerated in their lifetime.

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Hey, JHo, stop lying – Your “we need a conversation” has been going on since the 60s

Jennifer Horn with Kool-AidYou and Eric Holder (he of the “I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards” slam against the US) are of the same ilk.  Really, do you really think you own the moral high-horse to be telling the rest of us we have to have a conversation (or else!) like what Hillary said?

And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Yeah, this coming from a tax cheat – so much for moral high ground (and cheating a small businessman to boot) and who booted others from the NH GOP Committee simply because they stood up to her (so much for THEIR conversations, eh JHo?):

“What unfolded at the convention completely blindsided us,” Horn said. “We were unaware that there was going to be a challenge or there were any concerns.

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Re: Take it back or burn it down

“Fire upon it, my dear Marquis, and never spare a particle of my property so long as it affords a comfort or a shelter to the enemies of my country. – Virginia Governor Thomas Nelson, when asked by Marquis de Lafayette, who was commanding the artillery barrage of Yorktown in the American War of Independence, … Read more

Drinkin’ his own booze

Back in my coal mining days in southern Appalachia, there was a saying folks had: “He’s drinkin’ his own booze” and it was not a compliment.  In those days, good stuff could generally be defined as spirits that wouldn’t make you go blind and the way to tell was by putting a dibby dab in a … Read more

Democrat Values Vs. TEA Party Values

The Entire New Hampshire Democrat party is running against the TEA Party.  They claim that they stand for New Hampshire values, not TEA Party values.  Well I can see why Democrats would object to TEA Party values but are they sure they can lay claim to New Hampshire Values?

Tea party originalFor the novices in the audience the TEA Party stood up to object to excessive spending and the taxes that spending would inevitably require.  (If your president spends 5 trillion dollars in just three years and you don’t make a peep in objection, that is a Democrat party value–someone has to pay for that, and it is the middle class and everyone else and suggesting otherwise it a bald-faced lie; another Democrat party value?)  Americans saw that for what it was when it started in 2009 and rose up in opposition.  T.E.A = Taxed Enough Already.

Knowing what we know about New Hampshire Democrats do you really want them speaking for your values?  I don’t think you do.  But here are a few examples of New Hampshire Democrat Values to help you decide.

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New Hampshire “Democrat” Values

Michelle Obama was in New Hampshire recently, talking about how Barack will win here because they have “New Hampshire Values.”  I realize that what she meant was New Hampshire Democrat party values, which are more like ‘Chicago Values,’ than actual ‘New Hampshire values.’ You know the values she means; big spending, more taxes and fees, … Read more

Liberal Religion – valuing birds over babies

(H/T: Liberal Logic)

Noteable Quote: Russell Kirk

All Values are not the same, nor all impulses, nor all men.  A Natural gradation teaches men to hold some sentiments dear and others cheap.  Leveling radicalism endeavors to put all emotions and sensations on the same level of mediocrity, and so to erase the moral imagination which sets men apart from beasts. -Russell Kirk … Read more

David Brooks – strong American values are leading to “incredibly backward-looking campaign”

David Brooks is “the conservative columnist” for the New York Time (“NYT”); the adjective “Conservative” would never be used as a modifier to his name here in NH – and am most assuredly positive that my sentiment would be replicated  with many others in other states.  But even as he opines as a New Yorker, he is Beltway Republican through and through.  In this column, he talks about how reporting on Prez campaigns has changed: used to hobnobbing with the candidates themselves, he now studies the people (you know, the ones that actually vote and to whom elections are not just an intellectual curiousity) that show up to the events to hear the candidates.  Given that the “Johnny on the spot” report was from South Carolina, he also spent a fair amount of time critiquing the candidate.

But this is emblematic of what is wrong with the Republican Establishment:

I was also struck, as in New Hampshire and Iowa, by the mood of this year’s rallies. Republican audiences this year want a restoration. America once had strong values, they believe, but we have gone astray. We’ve got to go back and rediscover what we had. Heads nod enthusiastically every time a candidate touches this theme.

I agree with the sentiment, but it makes for an incredibly backward-looking campaign. I sometimes wonder if the Republican Party has become the receding roar of white America as it pines for a way of life that will never return.

Oh, so right he is – that “icky stuff”, the stuff that speaks of the heart,Values, is just so retro! Er, no, he’s dead nuts on wrong.

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