US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Rasmussen: 61% Believe Feds Helped Incite Capitol Riot – 80% Want All the J6 Video Released

This is an interesting result from Rasmussen. A majority believe the ‘Authorities’ incited the January 6th riot, which means that they would be guilty of fomenting an insurrection, a complete 18o degree flip from the media/machine messaging.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

The Media Reaction to Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Access to Capitol Hill J6 Video is … Hilarious!

The Dems and their media troglodytes went nuts when worked broke that the Speaker of the House was giving Tucker Carlson’s program all the video the Capitol Police had from January 6th, 2021.

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US House or Reps Cannon Office Building - History dot house dot gov

J16? – Colbert Staffers Arrested in Congressional Office Buildings After Hours [Update]

The J6 protesters are accused of insurrection (as reported in the media) for what amounts to trespassing – the thing they are being charged with (not reported in the press). So can we expect similar treatment for a handful of staffers who work for Stephen Colbert?

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Do You Know How Many Americans Have Been Tried and Convicted of Insurrection for J6?

Dear Congressional Leaders from New Hampshire, Do you know how many Americans have been tried and convicted of INSURRECTION for the January 6, 2021 protest? I do, ZERO. Why is that?

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US Capitol Building Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Federal Judge Must Want to Get Impeached: Drops All Charges Against J6 Defendant

U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden must want to get himself impeached. federal judge found a Jan. 6 defendant who entered the Capitol not guilty on all charges after he said he was waved in by two Capitol Police officers.”

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US Capitol Bldg behind security fence

Another Treasonous J6 “Insurrectionist” Charged With … Misdemeanor Picketing.

As the media and Democrats continue to cry treason the Federal Government successfully prosecuted another “insurrectionist” from the January 6th, 2020, occupation of the US Capitol. But not for insurrection.

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capitol fence

Does Your Government Suffer From Insurrection Dysfunction (ID)?

Left-Wing Democrats are not the stupidest people in American because there are people who believe what they say, which makes them dumber. And they are not all Dems. Case in point. The January 6th Capitol Building Protest.

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Portland riots 3

Exeter Middle School Principal Patty Wons on Helping Kids Understand the Capitol Riot, Feelings, and Irony Alert?

Exeter, New Hampshire schools are all-in on the indoctrination program. Superintendent Dave Ryan is pushing race politics, but he’s not alone in advocating partisan stupid. Back in January, Exeter Cooperative Middle School Principle (CMS) Patty Wons offered some tips in the Capitol Riot’s wake.

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AOC with kennedy

Sunday Funnies – AOC Survives Harrowing Encounter With…

One of the big stories last week was the revelation that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who revealed her harrowing brush with death on Instagram, was not in the US Capitol when it was invaded. She may have had a brush with a handle to fix her hair, but not much else.

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Ocasio-Cortez fake crying for a real parkinglot

Serial Liar AOC Lied About Capitol Breach Threat to Her Life – She Wasn’t There

How many Democrats shared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s harrowing tale of the US Capitol breach. She feared for her life, a tale with more than 6 million views. It is a story that grew to attempted assassination/murder, except she wasn’t even in the Capitol Building when it was breached.

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Throw the Bum Out

Dem Incitement to Insurrection Case Against Trump Just Took a Punch to the Face

Evidence is irrelevant to despots, so Trump’s second impeachment has an asterisk. No evidence allowed, no defense, no effort at impartial evaluation. It’s political, and they had the votes. Trump incited violence on Jan 6. Problem? There’s evidence it was planned well before that date, and Trump had nothing to do with that.

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New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner

It’s Time to Start Asking the NH AG and Secretary of State Gardner What the Hell Is Going On

Since about 2016 I have been tracking a NH voter from Sterling Virginia and several other places. He seems to have some special immunity from prosecution because he has the proper political attitude. The press loves him as you can see from this video.

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Rally, backback, clubs or bats

Are Those Baseball Bats in Those Backpacks at the Trump Rally, Yesterday?

This is interesting. This photo was taken at the rally yesterday. It’s a bit blurry, but we can see two individuals in hooded jackets, side by side. They have nearly identical objects protruding from their backpacks. They look like baseball bats.

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Trump rally tries to occupy US Capitol

Trump “Supporters” Storm the Capitol Building – Electoral Dysfunction Postponed (Video) [Update]

I’m not sure whose bright idea it was. Stupid. I object. I strenuously object. Having said that, thousands of rally attendees have pushed through multiple layers of security in an effort to “occupy” the US Capitol building.

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