How many Democrats shared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s harrowing tale of the US Capitol breach. She feared for her life, a tale with more than 6 million views. It is a story that grew to attempted assassination/murder, except she wasn’t even in the Capitol Building when it was breached.
Related: Ocasio-Cortez Staged “Crying for Caged Children” Photos at the Border
Ocasio-Cortez was several blocks away, in the Cannon Office Building where she says she still feared for her life becasue?
“…rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”
That never happened either. The only person to “enter her office” was a Capitol Police officer checking on the members in that building. This evolved into “people were trying to infiltrate the building,” but that’s not true. No unauthorized persons attempted to enter the Cannon Office building, and there was no intent to breach it.
There are no public reports of her building being breached. In fact, it was locked down. As I previously reported, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) who has an office two doors down said that no rioters got into their hall. According to public reports, her office building was evacuated and the Capitol Police officer came to get her because of suspicious packages and she was evacuated to the Longworth Building. They were told by the police to use the tunnels to evacuate out to Longworth because then they wouldn’t be exposed to anything outside.
She had reason to be cautious and the need to take precautions. Members were asked to evacuate the structure. So, what about those alleged bombs? According to the FBI,
Between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee (RNC), located at 310 First Street Southeast, and the other was placed at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), located at 430 South Capitol Street Southeast #3.
Both buildings are in the neighborhood, but no bombs were placed anywhere near AOC or her office. Reason enough for caution, certainly. If I were there, I’d be telling them to all seek safety, following whatever protocols were in place and doing the same. Yes, even for AOC.
To turn that into several minutes of breathless harrowing bullsh!t is propaganda from the American Eva Perón wannabe, Ocasio-Cortez. Or, Sandy Cortez, as she was known back in the neighborhood. That would be the one she actually lived in, not the one she created to fabricate her political personality.
Another heap of breathless Bullsh!t! like when she faked crying at a fence around a parking lot and tried to sell it as weeping for caged immigrant children on the US border. She was near the border and may have even been near the detention facility Obama built.
Being near is close enough, I guess.
That explains the “we only have 12 years left,” which she later claimed was was just a joke. Were near that, though. Maybe 12 centuries or millennia or something, and like, whatever. She was close.
The way she was close to the US Capitol when it was breached by some folks, including Antifa and BLM, but they were not “close enough” to be implicated even though they were actually in the US Capitol, unlike Sandy Cortez.