Race relations

  China … Debate Night for the VP’s

If you did not watch debate night for the VP’s this time you missed something on China. The debate was a better articulation of the Harris Biden position than Joe was able to present. The interaction was more professional than the first Presidential debate. There did seem to be a clear winner. I may be … Read more

Well Here We Are

Well, Here We Are 2020, (Now What?)

We are headed, not only into the new year but into a new decade. Some are calling it the kickoff to the Roaring Twenties redux. Let’s hope not. Voters are facing some incredibly important decisions. Absolutely everything is on the line. Heads up, it is time to defend your values and principles before it is too late.

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Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. Afghanistan To start Afghan withdrawal, U.S. would pull 5,400 troops in 135 days. New York Times. A blast hit Kabul after the briefing on U.S.-Taliban deal to … Read more

America = Free Trade, Let’s Lead

The United States is not doing enough to promote free trade. Lately we have been an initiator of trade barriers. That has been true over the last two years. Reduction and elimination of trade barriers around the world should be our goal. Barriers to trade Imposing barriers on billions of dollars’ worth of imports creates … Read more

The purpose of history is to be the glue of a nation's society.

International monetary policy going for gold

The following article appears at American Thinker. It was written by Nathan Williamson, August 2, 2019. It is interesting because it describes the situation surrounding the U.S. dollar, debt and trade. Read it to understand what some of our not so friendly creditors are saying and doing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/08/international_monetary_policy_going_for_gold_.html Recently, the gold standard has received some … Read more

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