Thought police Archives - Granite Grok

Thought police


Will Democrats Rob You of Your Right to Remain Silent?

We’ve laid down voluminous amounts of text on free and compelled speech. We defend the former; the left demands the latter. And more recently, they demanded it at random, in public, under threat of harm. If you think that stops should they win, you’d be mistaken.

DISQUS Doodlings – And With a Single Word (WuFlu) I’m a Racist

I got called a racist. Not that it’s much of a surprise. It’s a typical argument ender by the Left when they have nothing better to say. They just can’t help hurling epithets, thinking that everyone else would understand that Their Emotions Trump EVERYTHING (see what I did there?); end of discussion.

free speech - speech suppression

Making “Conservatives” Out of Perfectly Fine Liberals

Kira Davis has a great piece at She examines a trend brought on by the radicalization of the left. The growing number of perfectly fine liberals who are being pushed to the right. People who vote Democrat, from famous Hollywood types to your own friends and neighbors, who have become targets of the progressive-mob and the …

Making “Conservatives” Out of Perfectly Fine Liberals Read More »

Palate Cleanser – I don’t care if you are pro/con feminism but the look on this feminist’s face….Heh!

First wave Feminism, second wave?  OK.  Third wave has all but turned into “women good, all men are bad” disaster.  Women are waking up to the notion that “You go girl…you can have it ALL” is both Falsehoodian and Unobtanium – just like it is for men. So while there is a lot of bad …

Palate Cleanser – I don’t care if you are pro/con feminism but the look on this feminist’s face….Heh! Read More »