RI Tea Partiers banned from Independence Day parade for THIS?

by Doug

As I reported in this prior post, the Tea Party movement in Rhode Island has been banned from participating in the oldest Independence Day parade in America in future years because some members of the group (gasp!) were distributing copies of the Declaration/ Constitution. A leader of the RI group wrote We were told unequivocally that our … Read more

Oldest Independence Day parade in Nation bans Tea Partiers for (gasp!) distributing copies of the Declaration and Constitution!

by Doug

Declaration and Constitution pocket book


The oldest continuous Independence Day parade in America, despite having a history of famous (and some infamous) speeches and activities occurring during the event, has decided that a group using one of the most endearing Revolutionary period’s actions as its symbol will not be welcome to participate next year.

First, some background. DailyAdvance.com writes of the Bristol, RI Fourth of July parade:

In July 1785, the citizens of this waterfront town assembled to heap praise on their newly minted nation and to thank God for helping them survive a fierce assault by the British during the Revolutionary War.

In July 1892, lawyer Orrin Bosworth preached that the townsfolk should be accepting of the immigrants arriving en masse: "America has no cause to fear the lover of freedom, be he American or foreign born."

And in July 1963, judge Arthur Carrellas roared to the citizenry about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to ban Bible readings in public schools.

Prayer, speeches and other such "patriotic exercises" have marked the Fourth of July in Bristol every year since 1785 — allowing the town to lay claim to the nation’s oldest Independence Day celebration.

Over the years, the speeches — given by judges, senators, war veterans and others — have run the gamut from typical exhortations of patriotism to muscle-flexing against Communist countries to criticism of court decisions.

The patriotic exercises and annual parade that follows are institutions in Bristol, where pride in country is manifest in the red-white-and-blue center stripe that runs through the main artery of the town and in the American flags and banners that hang outside restored colonial homes.

Fast forward to the present… According to an email from one of the organizers of the Tea Party movement in Rhode Island, they have been banned from participating in the parade in future years because some members of the group (gasp!) were distributing copies of the Constitution!

As we informed you this week, the RI Tea Party float in the Bristol Fourth of July Parade was a HUGE success, with people in the crowd showing overwhelming support and enthusiasm for our cause. Although we expected a positive reception, the response of the parade watchers was beyond our wildest imaginations. We were proud to represent the freedom loving people of Rhode Island to celebrate our country’s Independence! 

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Tax Cap Alert!

by Doug

ATTENTION Franklin NH citizens: Tonight at 7PM when you attend the public hearing at the Franklin Opera House to give input on the council’s decision to override the cap, recall what happened a while back in Woonsocket, RI when that city’s council decided they needed to issue a "fifth quarter" tax assessment: The citizens of that fair … Read more

Scenes from today’s Concord Tea Party

by Doug

While the big spenders in Concord may have passed the budget today, they did so while listening to the loud boos and jeers from a crowd of 200+ attending today’s "It’s the Spending, Stupid!" Tea Party rally in front of the Statehouse. With the windows of the building open, reports were that the crowd could … Read more

Recovery from the disaster in Concord IS possible, but it depends on good people getting active.

by Doug



Disaster in Concord

Guest post by Karen Testerman

NH’s General Court is proposing to tax anything that is moving or breathing.  However, you the taxpayer know their focus is misdirected.  The whole of the current administration is looking at the symptoms, what they term, "a lack of revenue."

However, the current economic disaster with a growing $150 million deficit is in reality a SPENDING problem. 

It is a sad commentary that the Governor continues to speak out of both sides of his mouth.  On the one hand he told the residents of this great state that we are facing a budget deficit and he would not approve further spending.  Oh, by the way that was several months ago while the corner office worked with both houses to make social reconstruction the number one issue in our state. 

Taking advantage of a self-created "crisis" to re-engineer the foundational institution of society to divert your attention, while the General Court passed spending measure after spending measure to create the current $150 million disaster.  One wonders what underlying activities are taking place while the attention is now focused on the self created "spending spree" crisis.

And now, to address the created budget deficit, the Governor and both houses are proposing tax increase after tax increase and other potential ONE TIME revenue resources like gambling to make up the difference.

However, any of you who sits at the kitchen table knows that if there isn’t enough coming in (revenue) then some how the spending (proposed budget) must be reduced.


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Coach, AKA Craig T. Nelson: A One Man Tea Party!

by Doug

He played a great part on one of many people’s favorite TV shows, Coach. Now, Craig T. Nelson plays a great part in real life. Appearing on Glenn Beck and  discussing the economic situations in California and at the Federal level, he noted he may end up paying NINETY PERCENT of his income in taxes. He also … Read more

[Tea] Party on, dudes!

by Doug

. Even though we’re more than a month past the April 15 Tea Party Day that saw events in every state in the Nation, there are signs that the sentiment of frustration with government expressed lives on. First of all, we know that smaller Tea Party actions, unaffiliated with any organized national-level groups, have popped up … Read more

Guinta’s message to our leaders: Stop Spending Our Money!

by Doug

Given the recent news of his quest to unseat NH’s current 1st Congressional District Representative Carol Shea Porter, we figured readers would be interested in watching Manchester’s Mayor Frank Guinta as he spoke to the gathered Tea Party crowd in the Queen City April 15th. As you can see, his message was very well received … Read more

Notable Quote: STEWARD whacks Buckley on Tea Party Comment…

by Doug

Fred Tausch, the leader of the STEWARD of Prosperity grass roots movement– who happened to support Obama for president– took NH Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley to task for his recent insults aimed at Tea Party attendees today while appearing on WGIR radio:     I just love this quote from Fred on how HE characterizes the Tea Partiers: … Read more

Tea Partiers defined

by Doug

tea party

Most polite "unhinged mob" ever?

Earlier this week New Hampshire Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley characterized the people that attended Tea Parties here in the Granite State and across the country as an “unhinged mob” that “didn’t even know what they were protesting.”   Further, he opined that they appeared to “have lost their minds.” 

Perhaps if Mr. Buckley had spent time actually attending one of the several taking place statewide at different times, or if he got some of his news from someplace other than WMUR or the Concord Monitor, he would have known that the truth was in fact completely opposite from what he claimed—That those in attendance are in fact among the most informed folks around. You know the type, because it’s many of you, my dear readers. And me. Regular people too grounded in reality to get lost in the razzle-dazzle and hoopla that is the Obama Administration as glosses over the spread of poisonous, anti-American ethics and ideas up and down the political food chain. People like you and me that have stopped for a moment and pondered some of the consequences of what we are presently doing. We know you can’t borrow your way out of debt or blindly spend your way into prosperity. Indeed, most of the Tea Party participants are well aware that we are taxed enough already and that there can be a better way.

But of course, Chairman Buckley and his comrades know all this. That’s why they are so fearful of the Tea Party movement growing beyond its respectable numbers demonstrated on April 15th, tax day.  You see, in America, at all levels of government, the power always has– and still does– lie with the people when we exercise our right to vote. We ultimately choose who will govern and wield delegated powers. Sadly, with apathy spread far and wide, too many people, for whatever reasons, choose to opt out. This allows for the political class to more easily work and manipulate the process, often times ending with special interests carrying the day with agendas that run contrary to the beliefs and wishes of most people.

And so it is today here in New Hampshire where, rather than actually grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns and trying to deal with the present economic realities in a frugal, intelligent way, the Democratic majority, with the help of a few of the “usual suspect” Republicans, spends its time restructuring our state’s laws in accordance with the wishes of the very powerful gay network. As the state teeters towards a broad based sales or income tax, our “leaders” down in Concord are making Granite State bathrooms a potential safe refuge for perverts and deviants. While reports indicate our Live Free or Die state checks in with a higher percentage of seat belt usage than our cousins in the Bay State featuring a system of government-mandates and fines, our overlords have decided to sell any free choice in the matter for a few million dollars of federal monies borrowed from the communist Chinese.

This is not what people had hoped for when they voted for change in the last election. Buckley and the Democrats know this. And they know that the people at the Tea Parties know this. What they don’t want is any MORE people coming to realize that what has been happening is very wrong, and could actually destroy everything we cherish. Unfortunately for them, while they might be able to propagandize to a certain degree, thanks in no small part to a compliant mainstream news media, there is only so much they can do to hide the growing amounts of money they are taxing away from peoples’ paychecks. More and more, people are realizing that they are, to use the acronym “TEA”— Taxed Enough Already. 

And that, in a nutshell is what the Tea Party movement is all about:


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Tea Party stops tax increase in its tracks. Unplanned, unscripted, and NOT orchestrated from on high… Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is the Tea Party movement and it’s potential!

by Doug

Woonsocket Tea Party

Mere days after the largest nationwide anti-tax rallies the likes of which haven’t been seen since prior to the start of the American Revolution, the City Council of Woonsocket, RI (Yes, THAT RI, with a sales, income, AND property tax, basically the highest in the country…) stood poised to stick the taxpayers with a "supplemental" tax bill to fund a budget shortfall in it’s school department. Essentially, the property taxpayers– with commercial owners paying 2-1/2 times the rate– would be sent a so-called "5th Quarter" tax bill. Normally, taxes are billed and paid in quarterly payments in the year.

The citizens of that fair old city in Northern Rhode Island have apparently decided that enough is enough and they weren’t going to sit by any longer and get steamrolled with yet another tax. Faced with a new "fee" on trash pickup and steep increases in water and sewer bills, the step of a supplemental tax bill was just a bridge too far. With a head of steam generated at the eleventh hour by angry business people, residential homeowners, and plain citizens, fired up by a spirited local talk radio program a few scant hours before, suddenly,


The local paper, The Woonsocket Call described the events:

Harris Hall was so packed that admittance was closed after about 130 spectators filled the room. People were standing against the back walls because there weren’t any more seats left and there was a line of speakers behind the lectern waiting to address the council that snaked out into the foyer. More than two hours after the session began, people were still waiting for their turn to speak, and the council hadn’t even recited the Pledge of Allegiance to mark the formal start of the agenda.

But, points out, it didn’t start there…

[T]he tenor of the meeting actually began on the sidewalk outside, where a gathering of homeowners and proprietors of small businesses waved signs as they waited, before the meeting, for council members to arrive at City Hall. The signs bore slogans that included, “No Supplemental Tax Bill,” and “We Follow Our Budget.”

A sign-toting Jeanne Budnick, proprietor of Pepin Lumber, a family-owned business for generations, said the city should be forced to live within the constraints that everyday property owners and merchants deal with. In difficult economic times like these, Budnick said, another bill for the owners of businesses and homes will only make things worse for people struggling with unemployment, cuts in hours and higher health care costs.

“We all know these are difficult times,” Budnick said . “We’re making cuts left and right. I think it’s time the city lived within its means. We have to live within our means and this supplemental tax bill is the easy way out. It’s one more thing to make people lose their homes and businesses.”

I was able to listen to City Council meeting itself, thanks to the Internet and a local radio station (the City Council stopped simulcasting it’s meetings live– gee, I wonder why? Wink). What a meeting! Many people spoke their piece, the likes of which hasn’t been heard for quite some time. One business owner stated that this unplanned, unexpected, and unbudgeted action means a $3,000 tax bill. Said another hapless taxpayer,

"Too often I’ve sat down and shut up. No more. Now I’m gonna stand up and speak out… I’m angry. I’m frustrated."

Prior to the meeting, the scuttlebutt was that the supplement was a done deal, with a strong majority expected to vote for it. A councilor was heard on the radio one day last week saying the people can come, but it won’t matter. "It’s all just noise."

Tea Time

Really? As the "noise" unfolded, one Councilor changed his mind:

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