It Can’t Be a Coincidence That So Many Things Have Gone So Wrong in So Little Time – You Wanted Answers? I Got Answers!

by Skip

Well, my post “It Can’t Be a Coincidence That So Many Things Have Gone So Wrong in So Little Time” went kinda viral. I’ll be honest, I had no idea that it would strike a nerve. Or, as it turned out, lots of nerves:

It can’t be a coincidence that so many things have gone so wrong in so little time. We see the Biden Administration doing a national level of what Socialist Sociologists Cloward & Piven did to New York City – setting impossible demands, structurally and financially, on its welfare system to overload it.

In short, to create Chaos.

A bit on Hegelian Dialectic as well. And I ended with: “So what are we to do – and what are YOU willing to do?“.  I do that a lot – trying to get people to understand that just writing and reading are insufficient. Our long-term goal here at GraniteGrok is to motivate and activate people to DO things. A lot of people have done so and I’m thankful that they have. Lots of folks liked the post as well. But in the comments, several folks “called” me out. Like Mark Fowler who appears to be a new reader(emphasis mine):

Clever of you, Skip, to dump the responsibility on your readers for coming up with appropriate responses to what the left is doing. So, what then, Skip, is the appropriate response to people who are determined to destroy everything we hold dear, up and including our lives. Are you afraid, Skip, of pointing out that the only possibility they’re giving us is graphically presented by two of the latest commenters, the only ones who don’t seem to think your article is the basis for an intellectual exercise or a game?

Please though, if you have any other possible ways of stopping these people, let us know. I haven’t read many of your other articles, so if you offered them elsewhere, just point them to me, and I’ll be glad to check them out. I’ve been vainly trying for fifty years to convince people of the dangers our country has been facing since basically the end of World War II. Even now, half the country refuses to believe what’s going on right in front of them. So, please, if you have effective ways of stopping the destruction besides the painfully obvious one of getting them before they get us, feel free to comment. We are already desperately behind our enemies in terms of defeating them, so I’d ask that you please hurry.

And he followed up with this (abridged):

..If Skip is Tea Party, he’s been at this for a dozen years. If he doesn’t have suggestions, why is he writing articles which appear designed to provoke fury or hopelessness? From his final comment, I think he knows what needs to be done, but for him to say it could lead to seriously unpleasant consequences. So here we are, as one of the responses mentioned, with no leadership.

And I do thank NoraNH and Allen for adding their comments in defense of me and the post (just two highlighted here).

So Mark? Here’s just ONE set of responses:

  • Yes, GraniteGrok was a founding member of the NH TEA Party Coalition and helped organize rallies, helped other organizations to get activated, and helped candidates for office who were espousing TEA Party philosophy get elected.  Some made it in. Some of those made a difference. We made a difference with our activism.
  • ALL of our writers are political activists. ALL of us. We are ALL volunteers, to boot. We assist by being part of advocacy groups (currently associated with Defend Our Kids in fighting Progressive and Gender Agendas being promulgated by Democrat majorities on School Boards. We are already making a difference with our activism
  • We just don’t write, we get involved. We’ve made difference with our activism and then write about our experiences.
  • I’m also suing my School Board, Gilford SAU73, over their Policy JBAB that rejects the Freedom of Speech and gives itself the Power to lie to parents (by omission and commission) about the transgender status of their minor children.  It was the first lawsuit in NH on this topic. There is now another lawsuit against Exeter SAU41 on similar grounds. I am expecting a few more as well. That’s making a difference.
  • I have been a political activist in my town for almost 20 years in getting involved in my village’s politics.  I made a difference.
  • I served on my village’s SB2 Budget Committee (one with TEETH) for almost 10 years. I made a difference and corrected a lot of “wrongness” that I found (making the “good ole boys” rather upset).
  • I have helped numerous other candidates run for office either directly or as an advisor. I made a difference. Most of the Groksters have done the same thing.
  • And we tell them

As far as others are concerned, for years, I have asked Readers:

  • to get involved,
  • get politically active,
  • run or help someone else run,
  • write the letters, send the emails,
  • show up at legislative hearings,
  • talk elected officials’ ears off.
  • And take part where your ROI on effort is both the easiest and largest – get involved in your Town’s governance. Get involved with boards and commissions as appointees. Run for local office in your towns.  Start there.

Then do more.

And GraniteGrok, being the largest and most influential political blogsite in NH, has helped get good legislation passed and stopped bad stuff cold. We’ve written legislation as well.  For a bunch of volunteers, we punch well above our weight class (from what I’ve been told).

So no, I don’t just “dump the responsibility on your readers for coming up with appropriate responses” onto others. Rather, while still trying to sound humble, I’ve tried to point the way – that we on the Right left Govt on autopilot and the Left took advantage of that vacuum and now we have to fight harder to put traditional American norms back in place.

Mark, I will give you this – you’re new here and haven’t read the almost 17,00 posts I’ve written since I opened the GraniteGrok’s doors back in 2006.  I’m NOT going to point you to all of them because that would suck up my time better spent in doing more writing, advocacy, and activism.

Suffice it to say, and I really do hate patting myself on the back as I ALWAYS say that I’m just an ordinary schlub from Central New Hampsha, I’ve done all that you kvetched about and more.

Much more.



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