Today, we learned that session days can be productive when Republicans show up and vote together. Our numbers were less than usual, but so were the “other guys.” With 19 or so bills, it was supposed to be a short day – and that did not actually happen.
Navigating the Complexities of Global Tax Regulations
In today’s global economy, understanding and adhering to international tax regulations is paramount for businesses operating across borders. Complex and ever-changing tax laws can pose significant challenges, but they also offer strategic financial planning and growth opportunities. This article breaks down six crucial aspects of navigating global tax regulations, providing insights and strategies for businesses to optimize their international operations. Each section aims to unravel a piece of the global tax puzzle, helping businesses stay compliant and competitive.
Freebie Markets
There are people (including readers of GraniteGrok) who claim that a school choice program that is funded by taxes is a ‘free market solution’ to the problem of educating children.
The Destructive Legacy of the Federal Taxing Power
How many people stop to consider if there are any restrictions on what or how the federal government can tax? Does the Constitution for the United States allow the federal government to tax anything it wants, whenever it wants, and in any way that it wants?
The Prophetic Anti-Federalist Warnings About Constitutional Taxing Power
In June 1794 the United States Congress passed a tax on the ownership of carriages. The tax called for a levy, “Upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be kept by or for any person for his or her own use, or to be let out to hire or for the conveyance of passengers, the several duties and rates following.”
So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (03/17/22)?
We learned that it is possible to play the National Anthem on bagpipes. This was how our St. Patrick’s Day House session began. What did they say about the bagpipe player after performing the National Anthem?
Quick Takes – Hat Trick
Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.
Free Stuff … It’s Worth What You Pay for It
Free stuff is usually worth what you pay for it. There is no such thing as free education. Someone is always going to pay for it. The question is should each person pay for their own?
Joe Biden’s Economic Agenda Is a Marxist Template for Control
What Biden brings should be self evident. Joe Biden’s economic agenda is a Marxist template for control. It would destroy millions of American jobs. His plan would crush economic recovery from the virus.
When You Elect Leftists you Invite Violence
Looking down the road to November we need to remember elections have consequences. When you elect Leftists you invite violence. When you elect Leftists you are voting to end America. You knew or should have known this.
Fair and Balanced Taxation
Don’t we all dream of a system of fair and balanced taxation? But what the heck does that mean? Let’s see if we can work through the question to a solution.
New Hampshire’s Budget Deficit – Will it be $700 Million?
If you are watching the state budget you understand there is a lot of red ink. Revenues for March were off in the neighborhood of 15%. In April revenues were off more than 35%, actually closer to 40%. In May revenues will be off by about 20%.
The Obvious and Simple System of Natural Liberty
Through natural liberty people have the ability to attend well to their own interests. That is true when government weighs down the people with the sort of burdens governments are so fond of imposing.
Medicare for All Should Die of Natural Causes
New research shows that under “Medicare for All,” three quarters of Americans would be worse off financially, according The Heritage Foundation. Most Americans would pay more in new taxes than they would save from no longer paying for private health care and that includes many of those not making much right now.
National Debt Will Choke Economic Growth
We knew or should have known this. About two months ago the Federal Reserve had to step into the markets. It bailed out the banking system yet again. The Fed was acting to bail out the nation’s money markets. The money markets were experiencing a liquidity crisis.
Which Democrat Will Try to Make an Illegal Regional Transportation Tax Legal In NH?
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is a “regional collaboration of 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states (to) reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector.” It claims New Hampshire as a partner, but that is currently against the law.
Donkeys and Elephants and Economies, Oh, my!
The Republican Party (elephants) is stereotyped as more business-friendly. The stereotype says elephants favor a more limited size of government. They favor a smaller role of government in regulating the economy. But really, the important part is; they are in favor of regulating the economy.
The Warren Approach… This time it’s Guns
Elizabeth Warren wants gun control. She will use any means necessary to get it. Her latest tactic will tax gun makers at 30% on firearms, 50% on ammunition. Warren says her plan centers on reducing the number of gun deaths. Interestingly, she is not interested in murders by other causes. She has no proposal for … Read more
Fear and Stagnation: Democrat Leadership
The New Hampshire legislature this session has spent its time denouncing and dismantling the system that has given the state the New Hampshire advantage. They have rejected the low tax, low unemployment, free enterprise system they were left. What has the NH legislature done? The Democrats have pushed greater government control. They are instituting greater … Read more