Can’t Carol find five people to show up to support her that at least drive a New Hampshire rental? That can’t be a good sign.
Notice the Carol Shea Porter signs in the back and the NY tags? This was driven by one of the five or six CSP debate boosters who showed up at the last minute this morning–and it is not a rental. Compare that to Guinta’s 60 or so supporters who were there before 7am and 40 strong early on, from all across the actual district in which he is running for office. What a novel concept.
Of course Carol’s first string supporters they didn’t miss much. Carol could not be bothered with them. (Must be paid help. Wonder if there are any chicken suits in the back of that thing) SEIU-Porter crept in to the debate the back way to avoid being seen by anyone who might actually be from New Hampshire.
I wonder if she hums the theme to Peter Gunn when she does that?
So maybe you are wondering where the heck is Sayville New York? I know I am. It’s in the middle of Long Island, off Route 27 along the coastline. I don’t think that’s in NH-01, but it might be in district-00 just past the faerie mound, right next to the little smurf village.
Were any of her 5 supporters Blue? You know, I bet they were.