
By the way – Thanksgiving isn’t Racist Oppression. It Isn’t Even Cultural Appropriation

As the annual onslaught of “Social Justice hate” against Thanksgiving dissipates in the seasonal rear-view, we have an opportunity to stir it back up. What? Triggering snowflakes is fun. Speaking of which, Trump and Thanksgiving start with the same letter. Right? That’s not what I meant. Related: Decolonizing Thanksgiving: A Toolkit for Combatting Racism in Schools.” The … Read more

“Thanksgiving Must Be Abolished”

by Skip

This from Michael Walsh made my Thanksgiving Day.  Just about every SJW talking point and attitude is roundly roasted and pickled! I had only quickly glanced at the headline and went “right, just another screed from someone that hates Thanksgiving” and was about to pass it by – glad I didn’t.  Wrong – just read it:

Thanksgiving Must Be Abolished

Around this time every year we are treated to multiple news articles explaining how we ought to deal with our racist conservative relatives at Thanksgiving. These articles, in my opinion, miss the point entirely. We shouldn’t be dealing with our racist conservative relatives at Thanksgiving dinner at all because we shouldn’t be having a Thanksgiving dinner in the first place.

Thanksgiving is a patriarchal ritual in which white men and their subjugated marital slaves commemorate the mass execution of Indigenous People by consuming the living flesh of innocent animals. It is frankly shocking that any decent person still celebrates this “holiday” in 2018, but I suppose that’s to be expected. Most people today have a cartoonish idea of history. If they had a more mature and nuanced perspective they would realize that the pilgrims were a bunch of thieving, genocidal, disease-ridden, smallpox-toting demons who accomplished nothing of value whatsoever. You might say they established and built a civilization, which, hey, is kind of neat. But so what? What has this civilization ever done for me besides give me everything?

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Video – Making Fun of #Woke and the Ridiculous Culture That Created It

If you search ‘Woke’ in the urban dictionary you’ll find several possibilities the amalgam of which is this. Abrupt or sudden awareness of (something) …that turns you into an annoying little douchebag.

I may have embellished a bit but not much.

The concept of ‘Woke’ is a byproduct of cultural marxism wielded by stompy-footed triggered social justice snowflakes so they can shout things like ‘Get Woke!’ #StayWoke to make them feel superior. But “woke” as a concept is not about enlightenment or understanding. In fact, it is the opposite.

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Quick Thought: CNN gets it wrong again!

by Skip

SHOT: CNN Sports Says Social Justice Warrior Athletes Seen as Less than Human CHASER: Wrong.  It’s not “…Less than Human“. It IS “More annoying than Humanly possible” Again, I used to watch as an ESCAPE from politics rather than being preached at from a Socialist viewpoint.  Why would I lend my eyeballs and money in supporting … Read more

Quick Thought: it sounds so fine and so high-falutin’ don’t it?

by Skip

“Everyone has a right to live in a country not dominated by the systemic racist practices of government and other powerful institutions, structures, institutional interlocks, and matrices,” Willem Cerf of Manchester said in remarks distributed by the campaign. Scratching my head here – I think Cerf just called almost EVERYONE in the country else a … Read more

And another SJW at work (that is, making herself feel good about herself) but…

by Skip


…hurting the ones she professes to believe to be oppressed and MUST be set free by Government Decree (emphasis mine):

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker recently held a gala to raise funds for the One Fair Wage campaign which is designed to raise wages for those in the restaurant industry.  Some tickets went for $50,000 and each dinner cost $500. This is did not sit well with many who happen to work in the restaurant business. Many within that industry fear that an increase in the minimum wage will result in job losses.

For heaven’s sake, that’s NEVER happened before!  Just ask those in San Francisco and Seattle and other places where they’ve “lifted up the oppressed by making SURE they earn more”.

In fact, Joshua Chiasson, a representative for the Restaurant Workers of America, had this take on the gala:

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The NFL “Invests” 90 Million to Turn Players Into Social Justice Warriors

NFL SnowflakeBy Jim Johnson

The National Football League and a handful of player advocates have compromised to reach what they believe is workable consensus 90 million dollars over seven years. A mere pittance when compared to league Commissioner Roger Goodell’s salary. (Between 2008 and 2015 Goodell was paid more than $205 million).

“Our partnership is designed to equip athletes as influencers and community leaders with the mechanics to develop their advocacy platform.”

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What Happened to Dartmouth’s Pretendian?

In October of 2015, Dartmouth College had to make a change after getting caught with their little Social Justice Warrior pants around their politically correct ankles. They appointed (ethnomusicologist) Susan Taffe Reed as director of their Native American Program on the basis of her affiliation with the Eastern Delaware Nations a non-profit (as it turns out having nothing to do with actual Native Americans) and her ethnoknowledge of Native American music.

Real “natives” and the SJW’s had a nutter and Taffe-Reed was “stepped down” not because she was unqualified but because the chatter was too much of a distraction. When I wrote about the original circus, I noted that She will be rewarded with some other high paying job at the college. It turns out she was.

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June 11, 2016 Podcast

We are joined by NH State Senate candidates Steve Kenda (Dist 24) and Kevin Kervick (Dist 13) to talk spending, jobs, wages, common core, opioids, Medicaid, regulations, schools choice, bureaucracy, state sovereignty, and more; including free speech and battling the social justice warriors.    

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